AC Wimmer

AC Wimmer

AC Wimmer is founding Editor-in-Chief of CNA Deutsch. The multilingual Australian, raised in Bavaria and South Africa, held senior roles at Australia's SBS and served as editor-in-chief of the historic Münchner Kirchenzeitung. A graduate in Philosophy and Chinese Studies from the University of Melbourne, Anian Christoph Wimmer — Chinese name 刘威猛 — sat on the jury of the Media Award of the German Bishops’ Conference, is a former Honorary Research Fellow in Communications at the University of Melbourne and served on the Board of Caritas in Munich.

Articles by AC Wimmer

Catholic prayers for Queen Elizabeth II — and the new king

Sep 19, 2022 / 07:24 am

While millions bid final farewell to Queen Elizabeth II today, the Catholic bishops of England and Wales have commented on the death of Her Majesty.

A ‘supermarket of religions,’ God’s will, and the wisdom of a tweaked declaration

Sep 16, 2022 / 07:52 am

A sensitive passage in the final declaration of the congress that brought Pope Francis to Kazakhstan Sept. 13–15 appears to have been changed after it found the approval of attendants.

European Parliament condemns growing repression of Catholic Church in Nicaragua, calls for release of bishop

Sep 16, 2022 / 05:08 am

The resolution, passed Sept. 15, criticized the arbitrary “arrest of Bishop Rolando Álvarez” and called “for his and others’ immediate and unconditional release.”

Turbulent scenes and votes for homosexuality, women’s ordination at German Synodal Way

Sep 12, 2022 / 10:00 am

The three-day event was overshadowed by turbulent scenes and early departures over the handling of contentious issues.

Synodal Way votes to establish permanent Synodal Council to oversee Church and dioceses in Germany

Sep 10, 2022 / 21:28 pm

In a move aimed at achieving what critics have compared to communist councils in the Soviet Union, participants of the German Synodal Way on Saturday voted to create a Synodal Council. 

After sex document at German Synodal Way is blocked, organizers vow to ‘take it to’ Rome

Sep 9, 2022 / 09:02 am

The document pushed for changes to the Church’s teaching on homosexuality, bisexuality, gender identity, and masturbation.

Pope Francis shares his concern about nuclear war risks in meeting with Vatican diplomats

Sep 8, 2022 / 11:00 am

The pope spoke to almost 100 apostolic nuncios and permanent observers of the Holy See who are meeting in Rome this week. 

Will the German ‘Synodal Way’ lead to a permanent ‘Synodal Council’?

Sep 7, 2022 / 06:31 am

Shortly before the next assembly of the German “Synodal Way,” one of the founders confirmed the goal of establishing a permanent “Synodal Council.” 

Dutch diocese abandons rule to offer Mass in every parish on Sundays

Sep 6, 2022 / 10:00 am

Due to a shortage of priests and to save on energy costs, the Diocese of Roermond in the Netherlands said it was abandoning its previous rule.

German bishop: Evangelizing secular society requires sharing ‘the reasonableness of faith’

Sep 5, 2022 / 07:18 am

The director of Benedict XVI Institute says a “healthy defense of the faith” is necessary if Catholics are to credibly spread the Gospel.

German court rules in favor of right to pray near abortion counseling facility

Sep 1, 2022 / 03:50 am

Silent prayer gatherings near an abortion counseling facility in a German town cannot be prohibited, according to a ruling by the Mannheim Administrative Court. 

International website dedicated to Benedict XVI aims to be a ‘beacon in stormy seas’

Aug 30, 2022 / 05:15 am

After a website dedicated to Benedict XVI received thousands of congratulations in 24 languages on the occasion of his 95th birthday this year, the organizers moved to take it international — and broaden its scope.

197 cardinals meet behind closed doors — but what is being discussed?

Aug 29, 2022 / 11:22 am

The cardinals of the Catholic Church have been called to Rome for an extraordinary consistory. It is the first of its kind in seven years — and only the second of the pontificate of Pope Francis.

Vatican Cardinal decries criticism of German ‘Synodal Way’ as ‘denunciation’

Aug 29, 2022 / 10:05 am

The chief organizer of the Catholic Church’s Synod on Synodality has decried as “denunciation" the number of public criticism of the German "Synodal Way." 

'Taken out of context': Pontifical Academy defends Archbishop Paglia's abortion law remarks

Aug 29, 2022 / 06:49 am

The Pontifical Academy for Life on Monday clarified remarks of the Academy's president on Italian television that the law legalizing abortion in Italy was a "pillar of society".

The date is set: 'Apostle of the Catechism' to be declared a saint of the Catholic Church

Aug 27, 2022 / 08:34 am

A renowned Italian priest and bishop dedicated to evangelization and teaching the Catechism will be declared a saint of the Catholic Church.

Father’s civil claim against Cardinal Pell and Australian archdiocese to go forward

Aug 25, 2022 / 07:15 am

An Australian court ruled that a man can sue the Archdiocese of Melbourne and Cardinal George Pell for nervous shock over the alleged sexual abuse of his late son.

Australian Anglicans split over same-sex marriage

Aug 18, 2022 / 09:38 am

An attempt by the Sydney archdiocese to affirm that marriage is only between a man and a woman was narrowly voted down at a synod in May, leading to a schism within the Anglican church.

Swiss bishops' Synod report: Catholic Church denies equality to women and excludes LGBT people

Aug 16, 2022 / 09:02 am

The Swiss Bishops' Conference's report from the Synod says the Catholic Church was seen as suffering from clericalism as well as “denying equality to women” and excluding “people with LGBTQ identity.”

Reports of at least 40 people killed in church fire in Egypt

Aug 14, 2022 / 05:50 am

At least 40 people have died in a Coptic church fire in Egypt — most of them were children under the age of six, according to media reports.