Diego López Marina

Diego López Marina

Diego Lopez Marina has a degree in Communication Sciences with a specialization in journalism from the University of San Martín de Porres (Peru). He began his professional career in 2015, as an editor for the Journalistic Archive area of the Diario El Comercio. In 2016 he began working as an writer for ACI Prensa and since 2018 he has been working as a web editor.

Articles by Diego López Marina

Peruvian bishops hail new law that specifies the rights of the unborn child

Nov 23, 2023 / 09:09 am

The Peruvian Bishops’ Conference congratulated the country’s congress for the passage of Law 31935, which specifies rights to unborn children.

4 key facts about Victoria Villarruel, the Catholic vice president-elect of Argentina

Nov 22, 2023 / 14:48 pm

The vice president-elect is known for expressing her Catholic faith in public and for criticizing policies contrary to her principles, such as abortion. 

Catholic leaders in Costa Rica oppose bill forcing priests to break seal of confession

Nov 16, 2023 / 18:50 pm

A group of Catholic leaders from Costa Rica recently laid out the position of the Church regarding a bill that seeks to eliminate the seal of confession.

Did Pope Benedict XVI really say the devil wants to destroy Spain?

Nov 15, 2023 / 18:00 pm

A supposed comment by the late Pope Benedict XVI concerning Spain and the devil has been circulating on social media in recent days — is it true?

Peru Congress passes law reinforcing unborn’s constitutional right to life

Nov 13, 2023 / 18:00 pm

By a vote of 72-26 with six abstentions, Peru’s Congress passed a bill on Nov. 9 that expressly recognizes the rights granted in its constitution to unborn children.

Eight priests under house arrest in Nicaragua reportedly transferred to El Chipote prison

Oct 17, 2023 / 18:50 pm

The independent Nicaraguan media La Prensa, El Confidencial confirmed the transfer through sources close to the Nicaraguan Bishops’ Conference.

What you need to know about the war between Israel and Hamas

Oct 17, 2023 / 18:10 pm

The ongoing tension in the Middle East has flared up again in a war between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group that controls the Gaza Strip.

Caritas Jerusalem suspends activities in Gaza and Israel but announces emergency plan

Oct 11, 2023 / 17:40 pm

Caritas Jerusalem, which serves the needs of people in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem, reported that some of its staff are among those displaced.

Two more priests arrested by Ortega dictatorship in Nicaragua

Oct 10, 2023 / 17:30 pm

The arrest of two more Catholic priests in Nicaragua brings the total to six priests arrested in just eight days since the beginning of the month. 

Jesuits in Bolivia call lawsuit filed by alleged sexual abuse victims ‘senseless’

Oct 4, 2023 / 18:30 pm

The lawsuit was filed on Oct. 2 by a group of former students of the John XXIII School in Bolivia against the order’s provincial, Father Bernardo Mercado.

Dictatorship in Nicaragua arrests three priests

Oct 3, 2023 / 18:30 pm

The reasons behind the arrest of the priests still remain unknown.

Pro-lifers say ‘therapeutic’ abortion on minor in Peru exploited to push legal abortion

Sep 26, 2023 / 18:50 pm

The case, which is similar to another that occurred in August, has created a great deal of controversy in the country.

Pontifical foundation launches two projects for those in need in Colombia

Sep 25, 2023 / 18:30 pm

The pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need has been developing two vital projects for the most needy communities in Colombia’s Pacific coast region.

Imprisoned Nicaraguan bishop nominated for European Parliament human rights award

Sep 25, 2023 / 18:00 pm

The European Parliament announced the nominees for the 2023 Sakharov Prize, which honors persons and organizations who defend human rights and freedoms.

Archdiocese in Peru calls for respecting sacred places following theft from poor box

Sep 18, 2023 / 11:30 am

“This theft not only constitutes a serious offense to God ... but also constitutes an absolute lack of charity towards the most needy,” the archdiocese said.

Guatemalan pro-lifer concerned about president-elect’s position on abortion, gender ideology

Sep 14, 2023 / 18:15 pm

“Unfortunately we do not see a very favorable outlook regarding these issues,” said Elena Gaytán of The Family Matters Association in Guatemala.

‘The Phenomenon’ is baptized at age 46: Soccer great Ronaldo Nazario embraces Catholic faith

Sep 13, 2023 / 14:15 pm

The Brazilian and world soccer legend nicknamed “The Phenomenon” took a significant step in his life of faith by receiving the sacrament of baptism.

Peru congressman challenges gender ideology training for public employees

Aug 25, 2023 / 16:00 pm

Alejandro Muñante has requested that officials explain in detail what is “the usefulness of the training, its legal justification ... among other things.”

Nicaragua dictatorship revokes legal status of the Jesuits, confiscates all their assets

Aug 24, 2023 / 16:40 pm

The move by the dictatorship takes place amid a growing wave of harassment against the religious order.

Nicaragua’s dictatorship renames university, evicts 6 Jesuits from adjacent property

Aug 22, 2023 / 11:30 am

The Jesuits showed the officers proof of the order’s ownership but it made little difference and they were ordered to leave.