Jonah McKeown

Jonah McKeown

Jonah McKeown is a staff writer and podcast producer for Catholic News Agency. He holds a Master’s Degree from the University of Missouri School of Journalism and has worked as a writer, as a producer for public radio, and as a videographer. He is based in St. Louis.

Articles by Jonah McKeown

CNA Newsroom: Fulton Sheen: A Life Worth (Re)living

Jul 18, 2019 / 00:00 am

This week on CNA Newsroom: renowned American theologian and media star Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, and the amazing miracle attributed to his intercession, which Pope Francis officially recognized earlier this month.

DC priest: celibacy allows a priest to give himself for others

Jul 17, 2019 / 16:20 pm

Father Carter Griffin of the Archdiocese of Washington, author of “Why Celibacy? Reclaiming the Fatherhood of the Priest,” told CNA in an interview that celibacy has been intrinsically linked to the Catholic priesthood from the very beginning, when Jesus, who was himself celibate, ordained the apostles as the first priests.

Teacher fired for abortion rights social media posts sues Catholic school in SC

Jul 11, 2019 / 17:01 pm

A teacher at a Catholic school in South Carolina whose contract was not renewed because of her posts on Facebook in support of abortion rights is now suing the school, claiming that her First Amendment rights have been violated.

CNA Newsroom: Bless me Father for I have sinned

Jul 11, 2019 / 00:00 am

This week, we're talking all about the sacrament of confession.

El Paso migrant shelter closes as 'humanitarian crisis' at border continues

Jul 4, 2019 / 03:00 am

A Catholic aid agency in El Paso, Texas, has closed a temporary shelter for migrants and asylum seekers released from federal custody, as more asylum seekers are required to wait in Mexico for court dates, and after concerns have been raised about the detention condtions of would-be migrants in government custody.

CNA Newsroom: A July 4th Six-Pack

Jul 3, 2019 / 00:00 am

This week on CNA Newsroom, we bring you six segments all about the 4th of July. You'll hear about the Italian blessed whose feast day falls on July 4, the Catholic who signed the Declaration of Independence, liturgical guidelines for Independence day and more.

CNA Newsroom: A Stigmata in Michigan

Jun 27, 2019 / 00:00 am

Was this Michigan grandfather on a mission from God?

In responding to gender theory, ‘forming the formators’ is key, educators say

Jun 24, 2019 / 16:47 pm

Amid a flurry of headlines denouncing the Vatican for releasing a document condemning “gender theory,” theology professors and Catholic educators told CNA that the document will be helpful in setting priorities for Catholic educators going forward, as Catholic schools respond to questions about LGBT issues.

Catholic youth group involved in fatal Colorado bus crash

Jun 24, 2019 / 11:01 am

A charter bus carrying members of a Catholic group from New Mexico crashed Sunday in southern Colorado, killing two people including the driver and injuring more than a dozen others.

CNA Newsroom: Lord God of Hosts

Jun 21, 2019 / 00:00 am

Why can’t celiacs use gluten-free hosts? Can germs spread by sharing the cup at Mass? And where does the bread used at Mass come from, anyway?

CNA Newsroom: Bishops in Baltimore

Jun 17, 2019 / 00:00 am

This week on CNA Newsroom, we look to Baltimore where US bishops gathered for their Spring Assembly. 

St Louis University: employee who signed abortion rights letter apologized, retracted support

Jun 14, 2019 / 16:12 pm

A group of 180 business leaders this week signed an open letter, published June 10 as a full-page advertisement in the New York Times and online, in support of abortion rights and declaring abortion restrictions “bad for business.”

Pinterest suspends pro-life group's account, citing 'health misinformation'

Jun 13, 2019 / 17:01 pm

Pinterest, a social media site with 300 million active users, has banned pro-life activist group Live Action from its platform, just days after a whistleblower revealed documents that purport to show active suppression of pro-life and Christian content by Pinterest.

CNA Newsroom: 'Every time I feel the Spirit'

Jun 6, 2019 / 00:00 am

This Sunday is Pentecost, the Church's celebration of the Holy Spirit. But many of us, if we're being honest, aren't sure we really "get" the Holy Spirit.

CNA Newsroom: Clerical Abuse Survivors Speak

May 30, 2019 / 00:00 am

We've had a year-long news cycle about abuse and cover up in the Church. We've heard a lot from the bishops. We've heard a lot from journalists and commentators. But, how much have we heard from the victims themselves?

CNA Newsroom: His name was Kendrick Castillo

May 23, 2019 / 00:00 am

"No greater love has man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." 

'Abortion saves lives'? Catholic doctor responds to NYT op-ed

May 22, 2019 / 15:51 pm

Following an op-ed in the New York Times claiming that all pregnancies are life-threatening, a Catholic doctor emphasized that pregnancy is a natural and healthy condition, and that complications which may arise can be treated without abortion.

South Sudan president: I was ‘almost trembling’ as Pope Francis begged me to make peace

May 20, 2019 / 15:32 pm

In an unprecedented gesture last month, Pope Francis kissed the feet of several South Sudanese leaders, who were visiting the Vatican for a retreat, in a plea for peace in the country.

‘Appeal-proof’ abortion ban advances in Missouri

May 16, 2019 / 15:15 pm

Legislators responsible for the measure have said that, unlike recent measures in other states, the bill is specifically designed to pass scrutiny under legal appeal.

CNA Newsroom: 'Seventy times Seven'

May 16, 2019 / 00:00 am

This week's episode of CNA Newsroom is about the three hardest words to say in the English language - I forgive you.