As a permanent observer, the Holy See will be able to participate in debates at the World Health Organization.
Vatican News reported that all those killed and injured were Catholics.
A cable car ascending the Mottarone mountain fell about 65 feet to the ground.
The Patriarch of Jerusalem urged peace, mutual understanding, and cooperation among religious groups in his homily on Saturday, underscoring the unique character of the city of Jerusalem and the importance of maintaining peace.
Pope Francis praised the Dominican charisms of preaching and missionary discipleship in a letter marking the 800th anniversary of the death of the order’s founder, St. Dominic Guzman.
The pope congratulated the Lazarus Association on 10 years of serving the homeless.
The pope was addressing ambassadors newly accredited to the Holy See.
Catholics are asking the governor of Texas to halt an execution scheduled for Wednesday evening.
A new lawsuit alleges that the late archbishop of Newark groomed and molested a five year-old girl during his tenure as archbishop.
President Joe Biden will not be delivering the commencement address at the University of Notre Dame this year - although he was invited by the university to do so.
Catholic aid groups are mobilizing relief efforts in India, as the country is gripped by a worsening outbreak of the coronavirus.
The Ave Maria School of Law announced its new dean on Tuesday, who will take over the position on June 1.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on Tuesday praised the Biden Administration for its decision to raise the refugee ceiling.
The Diocese of Burlington, Vermont, says that four immigrant priests will be forced to return to their home countries for 12 months, due to visa renewal delays.
Catholics must be “battle ready” to defend the family and their faith, said Sister Deirdre Byrne, POSC, at an international pro-life conference on April 30.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will mark its bicentennial with a walking Marian pilgrimage, helping the faithful prepare for the re-consecration to Jesus through Mary.
Numerous states of the US have been considering bills regulating abortion in recent weeks.
Catholic scientists and ethicists have warned of the potential for a slippery slope in response to reports that scientists had successfully created a “chimeric embryo” that was part macaque monkey and part human.
President Joe Biden will increase the refugee admissions limit by May 15 - after reports that he would keep the refugee cap at its record-low level for this fiscal year.
Catholic organizations expressed dismay that the United States this year could admit the lowest number of refugees in decades.