Hannah Brockhaus

Hannah Brockhaus

Hannah Brockhaus is Catholic News Agency's senior Rome correspondent. She grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, and has a degree in English from Truman State University in Missouri.

Articles by Hannah Brockhaus

World Day of Grandparents: Vatican grants plenary indulgence for visiting the elderly

Jul 18, 2024 / 12:15 pm

Those who are grandparents or elderly themselves can also receive a plenary indulgence.

PHOTOS: Pope Francis hangs out with Vatican summer camp kids

Jul 18, 2024 / 11:45 am

The day camp for children of Vatican employees is in its fourth year. It is taking place June 17-July 26 inside Vatican City in a newly-built area.

Pope Francis adds two vice directors to Vatican communication dicastery

Jul 18, 2024 / 10:18 am

The Dicastery for Communication has been led since 2018 by Paolo Ruffini, the first layman to be named prefect of a department of the Roman Curia.

Vatican approves ‘Our Lady of the Rock’ shrine at alleged Marian apparition site in Italy

Jul 16, 2024 / 11:24 am

It is the DDF’s fourth public pronouncement related to alleged apparitions since issuing norms for the discernment of “alleged supernatural phenomena” in May.

First women hired for St. Peter’s Basilica’s ‘Sanpietrini’ maintenance crew

Jul 15, 2024 / 12:45 pm

While women have worked for the Fabbrica di San Pietro before, it is the first time women are officially part of the “Sanpietrini” maintenance staff.

Sicilian city celebrates 400th year of feast of St. Rosalia

Jul 15, 2024 / 04:00 am

The July 15 feast marks when tradition holds the hermit girl’s remains were rediscovered in a cave close to Palermo in 1624.

‘Excess enslaves you,’ Pope Francis warns Christians

Jul 14, 2024 / 09:30 am

Pope Francis addressed the problems of materialism in his Angelus reflection in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday.

Vatican condemns violence after attack on Trump

Jul 14, 2024 / 08:49 am

A statement said the Holy See expressed “concern about last night’s episode of violence, which wounds people and democracy, causing suffering and death.”

World leaders unite in support of democracy after attack on Trump; shooter identified

Jul 14, 2024 / 07:15 am

The FBI has identified the Trump rally shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.

Knights of Columbus to cover Rupnik art in DC and Connecticut

Jul 11, 2024 / 12:00 pm

The 2.1-million member lay Catholic men’s group said July 11 it would use fabric to cover the floor-to-ceiling mosaics in the two chapels.

Vatican reveals details about 1974 ruling on alleged ‘Lady of All Nations’ apparition

Jul 11, 2024 / 11:40 am

The DDF said that in 1974 the doctrinal office voted unanimously that the visions were not supernatural and would not be further investigated.

These are the members of the Synod on Synodality study groups

Jul 9, 2024 / 14:35 pm

The Instrumentum Laboris, the guiding document for the October 2024 assembly, makes reference to these study groups throughout.

Pope Francis spotted visiting Rome optometrist

Jul 9, 2024 / 13:56 pm

The pope went to the eyewear store to change out the lenses of his glasses after having difficulty reading his homily at a Mass over the weekend.

‘Always smiling’: Chiara Corbella’s father remembers her joy, faith

Jul 9, 2024 / 06:00 am

Roberto Corbella spoke recently to CNA about his daughter, Chiara, known for her joy and simple faith.

New Instrumentum Laboris focuses on how to implement goals of Synod on Synodality

Jul 9, 2024 / 06:00 am

“Without tangible changes, the vision of a synodal Church will not be credible,” the Instrumentum Laboris, or “working tool,” says.

Pope Francis names young bishop to lead Agaña Archdiocese in Guam after difficult years

Jul 8, 2024 / 11:33 am

The July 6 move may mark the beginning of a more stable period for the Church on the U.S. island territory.

‘God is hidden in human misery’: Pope Francis highlights dignity of migrants, prisoners

Jul 7, 2024 / 10:41 am

Pope Francis on Sunday highlighted the plight of migrants and prisoners during a Mass in Trieste, Italy, for the closing of the 50th Social Week of Catholics.

Pope Francis: In politics, Catholics cannot live a ‘private faith’

Jul 7, 2024 / 08:06 am

Pope Francis defended democracy and criticized political polarization while urging Catholics to share their faith in the public square during a visit to Trieste, Italy.

Vatican to publish Instrumentum Laboris for October’s Synod on Synodality meeting

Jul 3, 2024 / 10:55 am

The Instrumentum Laboris, or “working tool” for the upcoming 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, will be presented July 9.

Cardinals approve canonization of Carlo Acutis, date to be decided

Jul 1, 2024 / 12:10 pm

Pope Francis said July 1 that the date for the canonization Mass of the computer-coding teenager will be announced at a later time, the Vatican said.