Hannah Brockhaus

Hannah Brockhaus

Hannah Brockhaus is Catholic News Agency's senior Rome correspondent. She grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, and has a degree in English from Truman State University in Missouri.

Articles by Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis: The truth can't be forced on people

Sep 25, 2016 / 06:33 am

God is shared with the world through love and authentic relationships, not by forcing the truth on people, Pope Francis said Sunday.

Love can be only response to evil, Pope tells attack survivors

Sep 24, 2016 / 08:49 am

Pope Francis met with survivors of the Nice, France terrorist attack on Saturday, urging them to respond with forgiveness and love. 

The Vatican is changing how it verifies miracles

Sep 23, 2016 / 10:03 am

Changes to the regulations for confirming alleged miracles during the causes of saints aim to preserve the scientific rigor of the examination and maintain its distinction from matters of theology, it was announced Friday.

How Catholics brought women's equality to a Cameroon clan

Sep 21, 2016 / 14:03 pm

A region of Cameroon that traditionally believed women to have no value now sees them as equal to men, thanks to a lay Catholic apostolate in the area.

Former Southern Baptist to become next head of Louisiana diocese

Sep 21, 2016 / 10:46 am

The Vatican announced Wednesday that Pope Francis has appointed Bishop David Prescott Talley, currently auxiliary bishop of Atlanta and a former Baptist, to serve as the coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria.

Do something about forced migration, cardinal exhorts UN

Sep 20, 2016 / 12:05 pm

The Vatican Secretary of State pleaded Monday for an increased commitment from the international community in addressing the root causes of forced migration, particularly those which are man-made, such as war and arms trading.

In Assisi, Pope Francis slams 'paganism of indifference'

Sep 20, 2016 / 09:38 am

In efforts for peace, indifference is the greatest sickness of our time, Pope Francis said at an interreligious summit in Assisi on Tuesday.

Cardinal Parolin to visit Colombia for signing of peace accords

Sep 19, 2016 / 23:04 pm

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin will visit Colombia Sept. 26 to mark the signing of a long-awaited peace agreement between the Colombian government and FARC rebels.

Bring people Christ's mercy, Pope Francis tells new bishops

Sep 16, 2016 / 12:10 pm

Like the Good Samaritan in the parable, you have been called to show the mercy of God to the men and women God has placed in your path, Pope Francis said to a group of new bishops on Friday.

Cooperating in abortion is always an impediment to ordination, Pope affirms

Sep 16, 2016 / 11:38 am

Pope Francis has confirmed that the impediments preventing one from being ordained – such as homicide, abortion, or attempted suicide – apply whether or not the man was Catholic at the time the act occurred.

Pope Francis: Humans are different from the rest of creation

Sep 15, 2016 / 12:35 pm

Created in the image of God, human beings have a dignity they are in danger of degrading when they place material possessions above God in their hearts, Pope Francis said Thursday.

Pope Francis calls murdered French priest blessed

Sep 14, 2016 / 10:09 am

On Wednesday Pope Francis said Fr. Jacques Hamel, who was killed by supporters of the Islamic State while saying Mass in July, “is blessed now,” according to Archbishop Dominique Lebrun of Rouen.

Trust in Jesus – not in things that don't matter, Pope says

Sep 14, 2016 / 09:30 am

Rather than trusting in ultimately unimportant things, place your hope in Jesus and you will not grow weary on the path of discipleship, Pope Francis said Wednesday.

Pope Francis: 'killing in the name of God is satanic'

Sep 14, 2016 / 01:09 am

Referencing the recent murder of French priest Fr. Jacques Hamel, Pope Francis said the persecution of Christians happening today, under any form, is a work of Satan.

Virtual reality film lets users experience the life of Christ

Sep 12, 2016 / 23:02 pm

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to have been there when Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, or to have stood next to the Blessed Virgin Mary at the foot of the cross, then a new feature-film length virtual reality of the life of Christ may give you the chance.  

Pope Francis: No sinner is ever beyond the love of God

Sep 11, 2016 / 07:37 am

On Sunday Pope Francis said that God shows us, through parables, the merciful love of the Father, who rejoices over every sinful person who returns to him.

It's Jesus who radically sets us free, Pope Francis says

Sep 10, 2016 / 10:06 am

Christ took on our sins so that we might have true freedom, Pope Francis said Saturday during a special audience in St. Peter's Square, where he gave confirmation to a young man in a wheelchair.

Pope Francis: Don't use God to defend your own interests

Sep 7, 2016 / 07:56 am

On Wednesday, Pope Francis warned against making Jesus into the person we want him to be, and thus creating obstacles to a true relationship with Christ and his mercy.

Mother Teresa's unfulfilled wish: to serve the poor in China

Sep 5, 2016 / 13:14 pm

It’s a little-known fact that near the end of her life, Mother Teresa went to China three times in order to establish her order there, but was “heartbroken” when her efforts failed because of the poor diplomatic relations between China and the Holy See.

Pope Francis: Mother Teresa shows us our 'vocation to charity'

Sep 4, 2016 / 03:18 am

More than just helping people in need, the Christian life must include the roots of charity, putting our entire lives at the service of Christ, as Mother Teresa did, Pope Francis said Sunday.