Kevin J. Jones

Kevin J. Jones

Kevin J. Jones is a senior staff writer with Catholic News Agency. He was a recipient of a 2014 Catholic Relief Services' Egan Journalism Fellowship.

Articles by Kevin J. Jones

For Somali refugees, Catholic agencies 'welcome the stranger'

Jan 10, 2017 / 06:03 am

A Somali couple with three children is seeking a new life in Minnesota thanks to a Catholic Charities’ resettlement program that cites a Christian imperative for its work.

For Cardinal Mueller, a humble faith is good for theology

Jan 4, 2017 / 00:04 am

The ideological efforts to change Catholic doctrine after the Second Vatican Council were deeply misguided, said Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and a leading interpreter of Benedict XVI.

Federal judge overturns transgender surgery mandate

Jan 3, 2017 / 16:58 pm

A federal judge has ruled against the Obama administration’s mandate that health professionals must carry out gender reassignment surgeries, even if they have medical or religious objections.

Want to aid vocations? Helping reduce debt is key, this group says

Jan 1, 2017 / 06:19 am

Personal and student debt can slow down or prevent prospective seminarians and aspirants to religious orders from pursuing their vocations, but one organization with national scope aims to change that.

Was there a deeper network behind the 'Catholic Spring'?

Dec 28, 2016 / 04:02 am

A reputed “Catholic Spring” surfaced in the news this fall, after hacked emails from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, indicated plans for an effort to sow revolution within the Church.

How a sketchbook led one Chinese woman to the Catholic faith

Dec 18, 2016 / 17:02 pm

Yan Xu is an artist from the central China city of Wuhan. What she drew one day would change her life.

The astonishing secret history of the Pope who fought Hitler

Dec 18, 2016 / 14:36 pm

Pope Pius XII's secret support for the attempted overthrow of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler is the subject of a new book that draws on wartime documents and interviews with the American intelligence agent who wrote them.

Meet the priest who serves the most rural parts of Papua New Guinea

Dec 18, 2016 / 10:01 am

In the deep Melanesian jungles, a native Papua New Guinea Catholic priest walks miles through the deep thick forests. He scales the country’s steep mountainous terrain to reach his remote flock and serve in the poorest parishes every weekend.

Did 'Catholic Spring' groups undermine the Catholic bishops?

Dec 15, 2016 / 15:20 pm

Groups reputedly founded for a “Catholic Spring” revolt within the Church have a history of criticizing Catholic bishops on LGBT issues and other topics, while taking money from wealthy, strategically minded LGBT activists who have helped reshape American religion, politics and the definition of marriage.

On abortion policy, a tale of two White House transitions

Nov 17, 2016 / 15:02 pm

Pro-abortion rights groups sought massive change in the Barack Obama administration eight years ago. Now, some pro-life advocates see the incoming Trump administration as a major opportunity to advance their cause.

Did a 'Catholic Spring' group intimidate Florida churches?

Nov 4, 2016 / 14:40 pm

A group that has been tied to the idea of a “Catholic Spring” revolution in leaked emails may have tried to intimidate pastors at Catholic Churches in Florida during the last presidential election.  

Cardinal Dolan recaps Al Smith dinner: Awkward, but at least they prayed.

Oct 21, 2016 / 12:17 pm

While presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton traded verbal jabs at the Al Smith Dinner and showed some icy awkwardness, Cardinal Timothy Dolan thought a moment of prayer was the best part of the evening.

What the George Soros network saw in a 'Catholic Spring' group

Oct 20, 2016 / 05:02 am

A reputed “Catholic Spring” group played a key role in influencing Barack Obama’s controversial 2009 Notre Dame speech, and its campaigns “broadened the agenda” of Catholic voters to see abortion as just one of several election issues.

For Archbishop Chaput, 'Catholic Spring' group did untold damage

Oct 14, 2016 / 16:53 pm

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput did not enjoy his first and only encounter with two leaders of Catholics United.  

When American Catholic politics split the Church

Oct 13, 2016 / 15:30 pm

For history professor Christopher Shannon, Catholics in American politics have a long history, yet this legacy is overshadowed by a troubling disunity in the present.

Colo. assisted suicide ballot measure criticized for preying upon fear

Oct 11, 2016 / 15:49 pm

A Colorado ballot proposal to legalize assisted suicide relies too much on fear and anxiety and ignores the ways better hospice care can provide for the terminally ill, a local hospice leader has said.

After Hurricane Matthew strikes Haiti, relief agencies are on the move

Oct 5, 2016 / 14:48 pm

Hurricane Matthew caused severe damage and several deaths in Haiti, and relief workers have already started to evaluate the damage.

Irish archbishop: seek a 'revolution of tenderness', not legal abortion

Oct 4, 2016 / 16:09 pm

For Ireland’s leading archbishop, Pope Francis’ call for a “revolution of tenderness” is a ch

At the heart of the Church, EWTN launches new Rome office

Sep 29, 2016 / 14:02 pm

The EWTN News Rome Bureau is now is just minutes from St. Peter’s Square, having launched its new office on Wednesday. The occasion sparked reflection on Mother Angelica’s legacy and the media network’s mission to serve the gospel.

Meet the Courage apostolate's new leader: Fr. Philip Bochanski

Sep 29, 2016 / 02:02 am

Expansion and further welcoming outreach are the plans for the next head of Courage International, a Catholic apostolate for people with same-sex attraction.