Kevin J. Jones

Kevin J. Jones

Kevin J. Jones is a senior staff writer with Catholic News Agency. He was a recipient of a 2014 Catholic Relief Services' Egan Journalism Fellowship.

Articles by Kevin J. Jones

'Embryo jewelry' a sign we've taken the wrong path, IVF critic says

May 5, 2017 / 12:18 pm

For one critic, a report that IVF-conceived embryos are being cremated and turned into jewelry for their mothers shows the basic problem with the artificial creation of human embryos.

Why Russia's new ban on Jehovah's Witnesses is so troubling

Apr 21, 2017 / 19:01 pm

The Jehovah's Witnesses have been banned as an extremist group in a Thursday Supreme Court decision that observers feared signaled a further step back for religious liberty.

With united voice, thousands of Catholics visit Texas capitol

Apr 10, 2017 / 15:58 pm

Over 4,000 Catholics visited Texas’ capitol in Austin, including  bishops from the state's 15 dioceses, to meet with legislators and discuss legislation under consideration.

Irish abortion group returns Soros money – but big questions linger

Apr 6, 2017 / 14:53 pm

Facing legal scrutiny over foreign funding of efforts to fight Ireland’s anti-abortion law, a pro-abortion rights group has returned a $25,000 grant to billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

A new civil rights ruling may create religious liberty problems

Apr 5, 2017 / 23:08 pm

Both employers and employees who believe marriage is an institution between a man and a woman could be affected by a federal appeals court ruling that sexual orientation is protected by federal civil rights legislation barring discrimination on the basis of sex.

Papal envoy sees great fruits, but also challenges in Medjugorje

Apr 5, 2017 / 11:10 am

Pope Francis’ envoy to Medjugorje said Wednesday that the site seems to be bearing numerous expressions of faith and vocations. However, he added, the final determination of the apparition’s authenticity remains to be seen.

How a California bill is threatening faith-based codes of conduct

Apr 4, 2017 / 08:47 am

A proposed California law has targeted faith-based employers’ codes of conduct in the name of reproductive health, the California Catholic Conference has said.

How an American bishop became a Korean martyr

Mar 26, 2017 / 07:01 am

Bishop Patrick James Byrne was born in the United States, but he died on a forced march in the harsh Korean snows under the watch of communist soldiers.

Texas pro-lifers target 'wrongful birth' lawsuits, Planned Parenthood

Mar 25, 2017 / 05:01 am

Among the targets of Texas pro-life advocates are so-called ‘wrongful birth’ lawsuits and Planned Parenthood’s alleged involvement in the sale of unborn baby parts. Both are finding some success in the State Senate.

Trump pushes education choices in visit to Florida Catholic school

Mar 3, 2017 / 16:26 pm

President Donald Trump visited a Florida Catholic school on Friday, praising the Catholic education system and touting his support for school choice programs.

Citing pro-life momentum, thousands demonstrate to defund Planned Parenthood

Feb 15, 2017 / 12:27 pm

More than 10,000 pro-life advocates gathered at some 227 protest locations in 43 states and the District of Columbia on Saturday to call for the defunding of Planned Parenthood.

Boy Scouts accepts gender identity as new standard for admission

Jan 31, 2017 / 17:19 pm

Citing legal and community changes, the Boy Scouts of America have said self-declared gender identity now determines youth eligibility for its scouting programs. The move could add new difficulties for Catholic sponsors of scout troops trying to adapt to the organization’s relatively new policy on homosexuality.

Leader's resignation unrelated to lawsuit, SNAP says

Jan 26, 2017 / 00:04 am

A longtime leader of a controversial advocacy group for clergy sex abuse victims resigned weeks before a former employee filed a lawsuit charging the group was receiving kickbacks from attorneys who filed sex abuse cases, the group has said.

There's a new leader of Opus Dei. Here's what he wants to do.

Jan 24, 2017 / 16:13 pm

The new head of Opus Dei has been confirmed by Pope Francis, and his plan for the prelature is simple.

Kickbacks for suing the Church? Lawsuit claims major misbehavior at SNAP

Jan 19, 2017 / 17:02 pm

A former employee of the controversial Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests has filed a lawsuit claiming wrongful termination for challenging the organization’s misbehavior, including alleged kickbacks from attorneys who were suing the Church on behalf of sexual abuse victims.  

Gay marriage lawsuit against Catholic school not expected to succeed

Jan 17, 2017 / 17:02 pm

A lawsuit against a Catholic high school claims that it was illegal discrimination to fire a teacher for contracting a same-sex civil marriage, but a law professor suggests the case will not make any progress.  

When you think of MLK, don't forget the faith that inspired him

Jan 16, 2017 / 03:39 am

Martin Luther King Day is a time to promote racial harmony in America and honor the slain civil rights leader who was “inspired by the teachings of Christ,” said the head of the Knights of Peter Claver.

Bishops remain hopeful on immigration reform in a Trump presidency

Jan 14, 2017 / 06:01 am

The upcoming inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump has raised questions about the future of immigration reform, but the nation’s Catholic bishops remain hopeful.

In Texas legislature, second thoughts about 'no-fault' divorce

Jan 12, 2017 / 16:30 pm

Changes to divorce law are up for consideration in the Texas legislature, with supporters saying it is too easy to dissolve a civil marriage.

How an unusual lawsuit could affect a Catholic hospital's religious liberty

Jan 11, 2017 / 03:04 am

A Catholic hospital faces an anti-discrimination lawsuit for cancelling a surgery to remove a uterus from a female who identifies as a man. The surgery was meant to treat gender dysphoria.