Archive for May 4, 2024

Mother Marla Marie stands on the front porch of the sisters’ Mother of the Light convent in Dartmouth, Massachusetts.?w=200&h=150

By Joe Bukuras

From the Washington Post to the Maronite convent: Meet Mother Marla Marie

“I wanted to be a journalist to spread the truth,” Mother Marla said of her time at the Washington Post.... Read more

A patient at the new Misky María Palliative Care Hospital located on the outskirts of Lima, Perú.?w=200&h=150

By Diego López Marina

New palliative care hospital brings ‘sweetness of Mary’ to poorest in Peru

In the context of the recent news of the death of Ana Estrada, the first person to request and receive... Read more

Professor Mouna Maroun is the first Arab to be elected as the rector of an Israeli university, the University of Haifa. Maroun belongs to the Arab minority in Israel, the Christian minority among Arabs, and the Maronite minority among Christians. She says she is proud of her religious affiliation and wears a golden crucifix around her neck. "My election is an important message that everything is possible in the Israeli academia," she told CNA.?w=200&h=150

By Marinella Bandini

First Arab Christian woman to lead Israel’s University of Haifa

The announcement of Professor Mouna Maroun’s appointment was made amid tensions with Iran and as anti-Israel protests were mounting around... Read more