Archive for November 17, 2024

Gilmour Street train station in Paisley, Scotland.?w=200&h=150

By Andy Drozdziak

New president of Scottish bishops’ conference joins ‘railway mission’

Bishop John Keenan, the new leader of the Church in Scotland as of Nov. 4, recently participated in the mission... Read more

Carnicerías Jiménez founder José Jiménez and his daughter Luz Maribel, the Chicago grocery chain’s human resources director.?w=200&h=150

By Diego López Marina

‘With God, everything; without God, nothing’: principles of a Catholic family business

Luz Maribel Jiménez shares her family’s guiding principles to inspire entrepreneurs who aspire to lead a business with values ​​and... Read more

Cardinal Francis Arinze during the centenary celebrations of Bigard Memorial Major Seminary in Rome in November 2024.?w=200&h=150

By Jude Atemanke

Cardinal Arinze cautions priests against lengthy homilies

“A homily well prepared should last around 10 minutes. A university lecture of 45 minutes is for a different setting,”... Read more

Pope Francis was joined by thousands of pilgrims in the Vatican on Sunday, Nov. 17, 2024, to celebrate the eighth annual World Day of the Poor.?w=200&h=150

By Kristina Millare

Pope Francis: The poor ‘continue to wait’ for the Church, governments to take action

During his homily and Angelus address, the Holy Father repeated his plea for Catholics to show their closeness to the... Read more