Archive for May 4, 2012

San Francisco Police are heckled by protestors during the May 1, 2012 protests. ?w=200&h=150

Violence breaks out at Occupy's second attempt on SF Church building

Bricks and other projectiles were thrown at police and bystanders during the Occupy San Francisco movement's second attempt to take... Read more

A believer lights a candle. ?w=200&h=150

By Kevin J. Jones

Survey suggests churches need to 'catch up' with unaffiliated Catholics

A census of religious adherence in the U.S. that reported a five percent decline in the U.S. Catholic population associated... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI.?w=200&h=150

Pope Benedict cautions against increasing social inequality

Pope Benedict XVI used a speech to foreign diplomats May 4 to warn governments against exacerbating inequalities of wealth during... Read more


Pope moved by young mother with terminal cancer

Chiara, a young mother from Rome suffering from terminal cancer, deeply touched Pope Benedict with her story of opting to... Read more


Perúvians troubled by decapitated religious statues

Catholics in northeastern Perú are concerned by a group of vandals who recently destroyed three major statues at a local... Read more

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput at a press conference on abuse cases in Philadelphia, May 4, 2012.?w=200&h=150

Philadelphia archdiocese decides fate of 8 priests placed on leave

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has announced a resolution in the cases of eight priests placed on leave after a grand... Read more


Catholic summer courses to be offered at Oxford

This summer, J.R.R. Tolkein and G.K. Chesterton enthusiasts will have the opportunity to study the lives and works of the... Read more

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani in prison. ?w=200&h=150

By Michelle La Rosa

Iranian pastor's Muslim attorney faces nine-year sentence

A Muslim attorney in Iran who has been representing a pastor condemned to death for his Christian faith has reportedly... Read more