Archive for September 4, 2011


Military chaplain has unique papal zucchetto collection

Anyone who is planning a trip to Rome and wants to bring back a unique papal souvenir may want to... Read more

Sept 13, 2001: Fire fighters continue to battle smouldering fires and clean up wreckage at the WTC. Photo by Andrea Booher-FEMA News Photo?w=200&h=150

New Yorkers wonder if US heard spiritual 'wake-up call' of 9/11

When Robert Harding saw the World Trade Center collapse four blocks from his Manhattan loft on September 11, 2001, he... Read more

St. Peter Claver?w=200&h=150

St. Peter Claver, Jesuit apostle to African slaves, honored Sept. 9

On September 9, the Catholic Church celebrates St. Peter Claver, a Jesuit missionary who spent his life in the service... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI?w=200&h=150

Pope stresses need for ‘fraternal correction’ in Christian life

Correcting the behavior of those gone astray is an essential part of Christian life, said Pope Benedict XVI in his... Read more