Archive for August 30, 2011

Archbishop Jose Gomez celebrates Mass at St. Ignatius of Loyola Church in Rome?w=200&h=150

Archbishop Gomez: new missal is ‘reverent and inspiring’

The new translation of the Mass promises to help Catholics “enter more deeply into the mystery of the faith” in... Read more

A student recieves a vaccination. ?w=200&h=150

By Kevin J. Jones

Calif. bill draws fire for letting children consent to STD vaccines

Public action is needed to defeat a California bill that would allow children as young as 12 to consent to... Read more

Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow?w=200&h=150

Scottish archbishop tells Catholics not to kneel for communion

The Archbishop of Glasgow, Scotland has told Catholics in his archdiocese not to kneel to receive communion. Read more

Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani speaks at the CALL Sumitt in Denver, Colo. ?w=200&h=150

With Catholic university's status in the balance, Cardinal Cipriani urges dialogue

Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani of Lima, Peru is calling for a peaceful end to the ongoing conflict between his archdiocese... Read more

Bishop Jose Vilaplana?w=200&h=150

Bishop describes Spanish family's decision as act of euthanasia

The Bishop of Huelva, Spain is declaring the decision to remove food and water from a 90-year-old comatose woman an... Read more

Archbishop George Niederauer?w=200&h=150

Archbishop Niederauer has unexpected heart surgery

Archbishop George Niederauer of San Francisco underwent a successful double bypass heart surgery on Monday morning.  Read more

Houses severely damaged after Hurricane Irene came through Bethel, Vt. on August 29, 2011. ?w=200&h=150

By Kevin J. Jones

Catholic Charities organizes help for Irene’s victims

As Catholic Charities agencies respond in the aftermath of the hurricane and tropical storm Irene, Bishop Salvatore R. Matano of... Read more


Pope asks forgiveness for 'cradle Catholics' who did not evangelize

Pope Benedict XVI has asked forgiveness on behalf of generations of “cradle Catholics” who have failed to transmit the faith... Read more