Archive for August 12, 2011


By Kevin J. Jones

New York City’s mandatory sex ed program draws fire

The City of New York’s new requirement that one semester of sex education be taught in all public middle and... Read more

A group of Canadian youth at WYD 2008 in Sydney, Australia?w=200&h=150

Canada sending 6,000 to World Youth Day

A contingent of 6,000 Canadian Catholics will attend World Youth Day in Madrid, where they will hold their first ever... Read more


Pope offers special indulgence to World Youth Day pilgrims

Pope Benedict XVI has declared that pilgrims to World Youth Day in Madrid will be able to obtain a special... Read more


Spanish archbishop: Catholics have the right to freedom of expression

Archbishop Braulio Rodriguez of Toledo, Spain spoke out Aug. 11 in defense of World Youth Day 2011. He said that Spain... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI greets the youth at World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia. ?w=200&h=150

Pope eagerly anticipating meeting world’s youth in Madrid

Pope Benedict XVI is eager to meet the vast crowds of young people who are gathering in Madrid and is... Read more


Benedict XVI to enjoy traditional lunch with Spanish bishops

Pope Benedict XVI will enjoy a traditional Spanish lunch with the cardinals, bishops and auxiliary bishops of Madrid on Aug.... Read more