Archive for July 22, 2011

Pope Benedict XVI during the closing Mass of World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia. ?w=200&h=150

By Kevin J. Jones

World Youth Day Madrid to counter secularized culture

In August Pope Benedict XVI will visit a Spain that faces aggressive secularism and controversies concerning abortion, sexual ethics and... Read more


By Marianne Medlin

India's Christian outcasts plan massive hunger strike for equal rights

Thousands of Dalit Christians and Muslims known as the “untouchables” or “slumdogs” of India will gather in the streets of... Read more

Cardinal Kazimierz Swiatek?w=200&h=150

Belarus’ Cardinal Swiatek, gulag survivor, dies

Cardinal Kazimierz Swiatek, the former Archbishop of Minsk who survived nearly a decade in the Soviet Gulag, died on July... Read more


Conference in Spain brings together representatives from 90 universities

The World Congress of Catholic Universities will be held August 12-14 in the Spanish city of Avila. The event will... Read more


Couple urges Argentinean president to defend the unborn

An Argentinean couple has sent a letter congratulating Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner for the upcoming birth of her... Read more

Fr. Paul Bratbak?w=200&h=150

By Katherine Veik

Catholics in Norway 'shocked' by Oslo attacks

Catholics in Norway are shocked by what appears to be a terrorist attack on government headquarters in Oslo that killed... Read more


Archbishop Gomez: Mary Magdalene is counter to culture of condemnation

The July 22 Memorial of St. Mary Magdalene is a time to recall the holy woman’s life and her “beautiful... Read more