Archive for June 9, 2011


Cathedral in Nigeria destroyed by extremist attacks

An extremist Islamic group is being held responsible for a series of recent attacks in Nigeria, which have left 16... Read more


By Kevin J. Jones

Labor board denial of Catholic university's exemption could endanger religious freedom

A labor board ruling has denied St. Xavier University’s religious exemption from federal organizing rules on the grounds that that... Read more


Bishops’ Congregation to decide on Milan recommendation today

The recommendation for the next Archbishop of Milan will be decided at a meeting in the Vatican this morning, June... Read more

Bishop Thomas J. Tobin greets Sydney Khoury outside the rectory of St. Philip Church, Greenville last week / Photo: Rick Snizek, Rhode Island Catholic?w=200&h=150

Strong faith, prayer help in young girl's cancer recovery

With quiet confidence Sydney Khoury climbs each step of a metal ladder as she positions herself to place a crown... Read more


Bishop urges parents to enroll children in religion classes

Bishop Vicente Jimenez of Santander, Spain has issued a pastoral letter calling on parents to enroll their children in Catholic... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI. ?w=200&h=150

Pope Benedict calls for 'clean energy'

The governments of the world should back “the exploitation of clean energy sources,” Pope Benedict XVI said June 9.  Read more

Deacon Ian Hellyer (back right) with his wife and some of his children?w=200&h=150

Father of nine preparing to be ordained Catholic priest

There can’t be many Catholic priests who have a wife and nine children present at their ordination. But that’s exactly... Read more

Japanese quake survivors wait in line for hot water. ?w=200&h=150

Caritas launches new program for Japan quake victims

Almost three months after the devastating earthquake in Japan, the Catholic relief agency Caritas has launched a new emergency program... Read more


Pope's message to Syrian ambassador stresses reform, non-violence

Pope Benedict XVI told Syria's ambassador to the Holy See that the country's troubled government should respect citizens' desires for... Read more

Bishop Robert W. Finn?w=200&h=150

KC bishop responds to concerns with independent investigation

Kansas City-St. Joseph Bishop Robert W. Finn is implementing a plan to improve his diocese's response to cases of suspected... Read more