Archive for December 13, 2011

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen?w=200&h=150

By Michelle La Rosa

Investigation concludes on alleged Fulton Sheen miracle

A Dec. 11 Mass in Peoria, Ill. marked the official conclusion of an investigation tribunal into an alleged miracle that... Read more


Peruvian cardinal urges acceptance of Pope's decision on university

Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani urged acceptance of whatever Pope Benedict's decision may be in resolving the dispute between the Archdiocese... Read more

Bishop Charles Morerod, O.P. ?w=200&h=150

Switzerland’s newest bishop ready to evangelize

Bishop Charles Morerod, the newest bishop in the Catholic Church, is ready to evangelize Switzerland, despite the size of the... Read more

St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican flag as seen from the colonnade?w=200&h=150

Australia, Indonesia to announce new Vatican ambassadors

Australia and Indonesia are set to appoint two new resident ambassadors to the Holy See, easing fears in Rome that... Read more

Archbishop John C. Nienstedt of the St. Paul and Minneapolis archdiocese?w=200&h=150

By Kevin J. Jones

State board rejects legal complaint against archdiocese's pro-marriage DVD

The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis did not violate state campaign laws by mailing a DVD on marriage to... Read more

Cardinal DePaolis (center) with the 49 new priests for the Legionaries of Christ in St. John Lateran on Dec. 12. ?w=200&h=150

Cardinal De Paolis ordains 49 priests for Legion of Christ

Cardinal Velasio De Paolis ordained 50 priests, including 49 priests for the Legionaries of Christ, on Dec. 12 at the... Read more