Archive for November 8, 2011

Justice Clarence Thomas?w=200&h=150

By Michelle La Rosa

Clarence Thomas says religious display rulings are in 'shambles'

Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas denounced his colleagues’ decision not to hear a case that would have allowed them to... Read more

Bishop James D. Conley?w=200&h=150

By Kevin J. Jones

Bishop Conley sees ‘atheocracy’ as major threat to pro-life cause

Increasing hostility to religion and growing restrictions on religious expression are “the biggest challenge the pro-life movement faces,” Bishop James... Read more


Colombian girl who was kidnapped to meet Pope

A 10 year-old girl who was kidnapped and eventually freed in Colombia will travel to the Vatican to meet Pope... Read more


Church gives hope to women who have had abortions, says cardinal

Cardinal Norberto Carrera of Mexico City said that the Church offers healing and mercy to women who have been harmed... Read more

Former U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson?w=200&h=150

Proposal made at Vatican for US adult stem cell commission

At the Vatican today, former U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson urged President Obama to establish a... Read more


Archbishop Dolan bars same-sex ‘marriages’ from Catholic facilities

Clergy and church employees may not participate in the solemnization of a civil same-sex marriage, nor may the property and... Read more

Bishop Stephen E. Blaire ?w=200&h=150

US bishop links environmental justice with pro-life cause

The U.S. bishops' committee leader on domestic justice said that clean air and environmental stewardship should be serious concerns within... Read more