Archive for October 31, 2011


Bishops of Brazil call for urgent political reform

The bishops of Brazil have called on national leaders to implement political reforms and curb corruption. Read more


Peruvian cardinal encourages defense of life on Lord of the Miracles feast

During a Mass on Oct. 28 on the feast of the Lord of the Miracles—the most popular religious devotion in... Read more


By Michelle La Rosa

Experts predict erosion of society, religious liberty if DOMA is repealed

Marriage advocates are warning that a repeal of the U.S. Defense of Marriage Act could have disastrous consequences for the... Read more


Bishops urge funding for religious freedom commission

The chair of the U.S. Catholic bishops' Committee on International Justice and Peace is calling on the U.S. Senate to... Read more

Herman Cain speaking at a Republican Party fundraiser in Phoenix, Arizona. ?w=200&h=150

By Michelle La Rosa

Cain maintains Planned Parenthood has racist roots

Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain reaffirmed his opposition to Planned Parenthood, an organization that he describes as the perpetrator of... Read more


Pope prays for Eastern Catholic Churches in November

Pope Benedict is praying this November for the Eastern Catholic Churches and for the Church in Africa as it looks... Read more