Archive for October 18, 2011

Patriarch Antonios Naguib?w=200&h=150

Patriarch asks Egyptian Christians to pray and persevere

Egypt's Coptic Catholic Patriarch Antonios Naguib has encouraged his flock to “persevere in hardship” and “keep praying,” after the violence... Read more

The Mount Soledad veterans memorial. ?w=200&h=150

Mount Soledad cross supporters will appeal to Supreme Court

A federal appeals court will not review a ruling that the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial cross is unconstitutional, but supporters... Read more


Mexican bishop slams Herman Cain for proposing electric fence along border

Bishop Renato Ascencio Leon of Juarez, Mexico has rejected Republican candidate Herman Cain’s suggestion to build an electric fence along... Read more

Cardinal Velasio De Paolis?w=200&h=150

Changes announced in oversight of Regnum Christi's consecrated laity

Following a review of Regnum Christi, the lay movement affiliated with the Legionaries of Christ, changes will be made in... Read more


Vatican laments violence at Occupy Wall Street protests in Rome

The director of the Vatican press office, Father Federico Lombardi, denounced the violence that characterized the recent Occupy Wall Street-inspired... Read more

The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. ?w=200&h=150

By Michelle La Rosa

Quotes without God on MLK memorial spark controversy

A new memorial to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Washington, D.C. is drawing the attention of those who say... Read more

Cardinal Peter Turkson?w=200&h=150

Details of Assisi peace gathering unveiled

The Oct. 27 gathering of religious leaders in Assisi to discuss global peace will include four leading atheists, but will... Read more

Archbishop Timothy Dolan?w=200&h=150

By Michelle La Rosa

US bishops urge Obama to defend religious minorities in Egypt

Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, is pressing the Obama administration... Read more


Kenyan archbishop backs military action against Somali militia

The Catholic Archbishop of Mombassa has supported Kenyan military efforts to counter the Al-Shabaab militia in Somalia, but he advises... Read more