Archive for February 8, 2010

Dominican Sisters of Mary?w=200&h=150

Dominican sisters to appear on Oprah Winfrey Show

The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist have made waves across the nation for their rapid growth and... Read more


Secular states must not restrict religious freedom, cautions priest

Father Manuel Corral, public relations director for the Bishops’ Conference of Mexico, warned last week that the reform of Mexico's... Read more


Church in Costa Rica stripped of right to approve religion teachers

Costa Rica’s Constitutional Court has stripped the Church of its right to choose which religion teachers it will hire, after... Read more

The Highest Catholic Chapel in the World?w=200&h=150

World's highest Catholic chapel consecrated in Spain

The president of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela of Madrid, blessed the highest chapel in the... Read more


Spanish bishop calls on Catholic journalists to witness to truth

Archbishop Juan Jose Asenjo of Seville has called on Catholic journalists to share their Christian identity and be witnesses to... Read more

Archbishop Salvatore Fisichella?w=200&h=150

Belgian theologian blasts 'pseudo-compassion' and Vatican official's article

The celebrated philosopher and theologian Monsignor Michel Schooyans has published his thoughts on the contemporary misuse of the concept of... Read more


Church will never stop condemning abuse, states Pope Benedict

The Holy Father met with members of the Pontifical Council for the Family on Monday to mark the start of... Read more


Catholic Church in Spain begins campaign to defend religious symbols

The regional vicar of Guadalajara in Spain has welcomed requests by numerous Spanish Catholic organizations to launch a campaign defending... Read more

Former Archbishop of New Orleans Phillip Hannan?w=200&h=150

Former New Orleans archbishop grateful Saints 'won the fight'

Following the Saints' Super Bowl victory on Sunday, Archbishop Phillip Hannan, the retired Archbishop of New Orleans, lauded the team's... Read more


Tebow Super Bowl ad airs after controversial run-up

The much-discussed Super Bowl ad about college star quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother Pam aired on Sunday. It encouraged... Read more