Archive for December 17, 2010

Judge Jean-Paul Costa, president of the European Court of Human Rights?w=200&h=150

Court rules that Ireland's abortion ban breached woman's rights

The European Court of Human Rights ruled Dec. 16 that Ireland's abortion ban breached the rights of a woman who... Read more

Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass.)?w=200&h=150

‘Don’t Ask’ repeal hinges on Senate time crunch

The repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, which could endanger religious freedom in the military, has passed the... Read more


Venezuelan archbishop fears further division if Chavez's law is passed

The vice president of the Venezuelan bishops' conference, Archbishop Baltazar Porras, warned that granting President Hugo Chavez the power to... Read more


Baby Jesus shows God's love for mankind, recalls bishop

Bishop Luis Stockler of Quilmes, Argentina reflected on the celebration of Christmas, pointing out that the image of Christ in... Read more

Victims of Baghdad cathedral attack say goodbye at Rome's Gemelli Hospital?w=200&h=150

By Alan Holdren

Persecution leading Iraqi Christians to draw harsh conclusions

With Christmas fast approaching, Iraqi Christians are coming to the hard realization that there may be a day when there... Read more


Vatican deplores China's 'hostile acts' as signs of fear and weakness

The Vatican issued a sharp rebuke to China for forcing bishops and others loyal to Rome to take part in... Read more


Archbishop Chaput lends his support to the DREAM Act

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput joined his brother bishops in expressing support for the controversial DREAM Act – a bill that... Read more


Pope urges courage and proper formation in proclaiming Christ to secularized society

Pope Benedict XVI encouraged Catholics to be faithful and courageous in witnessing to a secularized society in a letter sent... Read more