Archive for April 2, 2009

Servant of God Pope John Paul II?w=200&h=150

Poland to mark fourth anniversary of John Paul II’s passing

On Thursday Poland will mark the fourth anniversary of the death of Servant of God Pope John Paul II with... Read more

Eduardo Verástegui?w=200&h=150

‘Bella’ star Verástegui returns from Sudanese relief trip

Returning from a tour of relief projects in the Sudan, both the star and producer of the movie “Bella” praised... Read more


Churchgoing Catholics strongly oppose abortion but divided on embryonic stem-cell research

A new Gallup Poll reports that a strong majority of churchgoing Catholics do not think abortion is morally acceptable. However,... Read more

Archbishop Celestino Migliore?w=200&h=150

Holy See proposes alternative to new U.S. population policy

Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, delivered a strongly worded speech yesterday, sharply... Read more


Judge manipulates statements by Father Lombardi to push for abortion in Nicaragua

The vice president of the Supreme Court of Nicaragua, Justice Rafael Solis, said this week a draft ruling exists to... Read more

Congressmen Chris Smith?w=200&h=150

Congressman Smith: Mrs. Clinton, choose either Our Lady of Guadalupe or Margaret Sanger

In an impassionate address to the House of Representatives on Tuesday, Congressmen Chris Smith (R-NJ,) argued that Secretary of State... Read more

Bishop Julius Jia Zhiguo?w=200&h=150

Vatican says arrest of Chinese bishop creates obstacles to dialogue

As a meeting on the Church in China drew to a close yesterday, news reached participants that Bishop Julius Jia... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI?w=200&h=150

Follow John Paul II’s example and stand for truth of Christ, Pope tells youth

During the solemn Mass celebrated for the 4th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s death, Pope Benedict XVI encouraged young... Read more


Vatican official says beatification cause of John Paul II moving forward

In an interview with Vatican Radio, the prefect for the Congregation of the Causes of the Saints, Archbishop Angelo Amato,... Read more


Spanish expert uncovers connection between Socialist leader and Planned Parenthood

Spanish expert David del Fresno has published a report on the career of Leire Pajin, Secretary of Organization of the... Read more


Five thousand Spanish youth to receive WYD Cross in Rome

A red sea of five thousand Spanish youth will be in Rome April 3-6 to receive the World Youth Day... Read more

Archbishop Eusebius Beltran speaking at a press conference in 2006. (?w=200&h=150

Archbishop Beltran: 'Notre Dame has certainly turned against the Catholic Church'

Archbishop Eusebius J. Beltran of Oklahoma City has sent a letter to University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins in... Read more


New president of Cuban bishops’ conference urges faithful not to fear change

In an interview with the magazine Palabra Nueva, Archbishop Dionisio Garcia Ibanez, the new president of the Bishops’ Conference of... Read more


Catholics must announce and witness to the Gospel, instructs Holy Father

The Holy Father spoke today of the importance of evangelization through the witness of one’s life and by sharing the... Read more

Virginia Governor Tim Kaine?w=200&h=150

Virginia Gov. Kaine restricts funding for fetal and embryonic stem cell research

Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, on Monday signed a bill banning the use of... Read more