Archive for March 13, 2009


'Absolutely horrifying’ proposal calls for using aborted babies as organ donors

A leading embryonic stem cell expert in Britain has called for organs from aborted babies to be used in transplants... Read more

Michael Steele?w=200&h=150

RNC head Michael Steele counters own abortion ‘rights’ remarks

Michael Steele, a self-described Catholic who is the new chairman of the Republican National Committee, has distanced himself from comments... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI?w=200&h=150

Adoration should lead to greater union with Jesus, Pope teaches

Eucharistic adoration was the focus of remarks made by Pope Benedict XVI today as he received participants in the plenary... Read more


Cardinal Lozano explains position on Eluana Englaro to Mexican media

In response to repeated questions by reporters during his visit to Monterrey, Mexico, Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, president of the... Read more


Pope’s letter is "an emotional and unprecedented document" for peace in the Church, says Vatican daily

"An emotional and unprecedented document that has come from the heart of Benedict XVI to contribute to peace in the... Read more

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone?w=200&h=150

Cardinal Bertone points to culture as way of finding truth

During his remarks at the opening of the International University Forum of Campidoglio, whose theme is “Gospel: Culture and Cultures,”... Read more


Georgia Senate passes bill to ban creation of embryos for research purposes

Thursday it was announced that the Georgia Senate has passed a bill to ban the creation of embryos for the... Read more

Vienna Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn?w=200&h=150

Austrian Cardinal urges patience and understanding following Fr. Wagner’s appointment

In wake of the fall-out from the controversial priest Gerhard Maria Wagner’s auxiliary bishop appointment and resignation, Vienna Archbishop Christoph... Read more

Bishop of Bridgeport William Lori?w=200&h=150

Bishop Lori thanks ‘patriotic’ Catholics for thwarting ‘legislative attack’

Declaring that the defense of religious liberty is "genuine patriotism," Bishop of Bridgeport William Lori has thanked the Catholics of... Read more

President Barack Obama?w=200&h=150

Despite increasing foes, U.S. funding ban for human embryo killing endures

A longstanding amendment banning federal funding for research in which human embryos are destroyed, discarded, or "knowingly subjected to risk... Read more