Archive for September 14, 2008


New Zealand abortion committee criticized for concealing identity of appointees

Despite requests made under a freedom of information law, the New Zealand Ministry of Justice has refused to provide the... Read more


Mary’s ‘yes’ helps renew our commitment to our vocations, Pope says

After celebrating Mass in Lourdes on Sunday morning, Pope Benedict spoke about the importance of the Angelus prayer. Addressing an audience of... Read more


Encountering Mary turns our gaze upon Jesus our light, Pope Benedict teaches

Pope Benedict XVI’s helicopter touched down in Lourdes on Saturday evening to the sight of a multitude of pilgrims waiting... Read more


Mary allows ‘love stronger than death’ to bring hope to the world, Holy Father preaches

More than 100,000 pilgrims gathered in Lourdes on Sunday morning for the final Mass of the celebrations surrounding the 150th... Read more