Archive for October 8, 2008

Archbishop José H. Gomez?w=200&h=150

Archbishop Gomez: ‘intensive’ community service, not deportation, appropriate for illegals

José H. Gomez, Archbishop of San Antonio and the senior Hispanic member of the United States’ Catholic hierarchy, spoke at... Read more

Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama?w=200&h=150

Catholic Campaign for Human Development funded Obama-headed group in 1980s

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama’s early work as a community organizer has brought to the fore the Catholic Campaign... Read more


Paul knew the ‘historical’ Jesus without seeing Him, explains Pope

Pope Benedict XVI dedicated today's audience to St. Paul's relationship to the so-called "historical" Jesus. The Holy Father reminded the... Read more


Archbishop underscores evangelizing strength of forgiveness in India

Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil of Guwahati said this week that in response to the persecution and attacks suffered by Catholics in... Read more


Everything that makes Europe great has its roots in the Bible, says Cardinal Bozanic

The Archbishop of Zagreb, Cardinal Josip Bozanic, said this week that “an indissoluble link exists between the Bible and Europe.... Read more


Preach the Gospel to everyone, including migrants, says Holy Father

Keeping the celebration of the Pauline Year in mind, Pope Benedict's message for the 95th World Day of Migrants and... Read more


Closing borders will not solve immigrant woes, say Vatican officials

Presenting the Holy Father's message for the 94th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Renato Raffaele Martino and Archbishop Agostino... Read more

Archbishop Raymond Burke?w=200&h=150

Archbishop Burke appointed to head Vatican’s ‘bar association’

On Tuesday, the former Archbishop of St. Louis, Raymond Burke, received an appointment from Pope Benedict XVI making him the... Read more


Focus on the Word of God in the lives of believers, advises Cardinal George

Over 250 Catholic bishops from around the world are continuing to offer their reflections on the Bible at their synod... Read more


Young Catholics not turning to sanctity of life and marriage as voting issues, poll finds

A new poll of Americans ages 18-34 has surveyed the faith, politics, and issue positions of young adults before the... Read more


Thousands of inquirers visit vocations advice web site

Vision Vocation Guide and the web site have reported that over the past year more than 6,900 people interested... Read more