Archive for August 28, 2007


Youth rally in Connecticut draws over 500 students

Last Saturday, the Diocese of Bridgeport in Connecticut held a highly successful youth rally for over 500 high school students... Read more


Abortion mistake creates outrage in Italy

The Vatican daily, Osservatore Romano, has published a scathing editorial, condemning a double abortion performed in a Milan hospital.  Read more

Cardinal Keith O'Brien?w=200&h=150

Head of Catholic Church in Scotland resigns from Amnesty International

The spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, Cardinal Keith O’Brien, has resigned from Amnesty International in protest... Read more

Chancellor of New York City Schools John Klein who is in favor of a school for Muslims?w=200&h=150

New York City’s school chancellor wants an Islamic public school

The New York City Department of Education approved a proposal to open a publicly funded Muslim school. The decision, however,... Read more


Decision on hybrid embryos expected next week

British officials are expected to announce their decision next week on whether to give researchers permission to create hybrid embryos,... Read more


Vatican-backed airline service makes inaugural flight

The new Vatican-backed airline was launched yesterday. The airline is aiming to be pilgrims’ carrier-of-choice for trips to Catholic shrines... Read more


Cardinal Bertone: Liturgy should motivate Christians to be better citizens

In a letter to the participants of the 58th Liturgical Week in Italy, which is being held in the city... Read more


Bishop denounces mistreatment of immigrants passing through Mexico

Bishop Leopoldo Gonzalez Gonzalez has called on Mexicans and their leaders to stop abusing Central American immigrants who cross through... Read more


Former CELAM official says no “changes” were made to Aparecida document

In response to some groups linked to liberation theology that are claiming that changes were made to the final Aparecida... Read more


Pope names new Apostolic Nuncio for Uganda

Pope Benedict XVI has named Archbishop Paul Tschang In-Nam, until now Apostolic Nuncio en Bangladesh, as the new Nuncio to... Read more


Cardinal Bertone ordains new Peruvian bishop as part of Eucharistic congress

As part of the 9th National Eucharistic Congress taking place in the city of Chimbote, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican Secretary... Read more


Pope provides in-depth look at drama of real “Jesus of history” and rise of the early Church

In his new book, Jesus, the Apostles and the Early Church (Ignatius), Pope Benedict XVI shows clearly the real relationship... Read more