Archive for August 22, 2007


'Draw near to God to overcome weakness and find lasting joy and happiness', says Pope Benedict XVI

By drawing near to God, we are able to overcome our weakness and find lasting joy and happiness, Pope Benedict... Read more


Lawyers bill Portland archdiocese $19M

The Archdiocese of Portland received an $18.8-million bill from its lawyers, who worked on the archdiocese’s bankruptcy filing. Read more


The diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend celebrates 150 years

Several thousand Catholics gathered at the University of Notre Dame on August 18 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the... Read more


Planned Parenthood files lawsuit to strike down Missouri abortion law

Planned Parenthood filed a federal lawsuit Monday seeking to strike down a new Missouri law that requires abortion clinics to... Read more


Cardinal criticizes media coverage of Italy sex-abuse cases

The Vatican Secretary of State has criticized the Italian media for its coverage of the recent allegations of sexual abuse... Read more


New poll reveals young Americans find happiness in family and God, not money

The current generation of young Americans are conflicted over money, reveals a recent survey of 13- to 24-year-olds. Poll results... Read more


I'll baptize my girl a Catholic so she can stay in school—says Sikh father

St. Paul’s Roman Catholic school in Wolviston, England is full, but that hasn’t stopped a determined father from trying to... Read more


Spanish bishop calls on families to demand religious instruction for their children

Bishop Jose Sanchez of Sigüenza-Guadalajara announced he will ask families next Sunday to demand religion be taught in the schools... Read more


CinemaNet organizes colloquium on Catholic resistance to Nazism

The organization CinemaNet is organizing a conference with the historian and founder of Europe4Christ, Martin Kugler, about the movie “Sophie... Read more


Thousands in Brazil march for life

Some 25,000 people in the Brazilian town Curitiba and 8,000 in the capital Brasilia took to the streets to defend... Read more


Pakistani Christians suffer discrimination and religious persecution, says priest

Father Emmanuel Asi, secretary of the Biblical Commission of Pakistan, denounced this week that Christians in that country are experiencing... Read more


Lawyer denounces NGO in Brazil for promoting abortion

Fernando Vianna, a lawyer in the Brazilian town of Campinas, denounced the NGO Bem-Estar Familiar (BemFam) this week for “directing... Read more


Archdiocese of San Antonio dedicates new seminary dorm to meet vocational demands

The Archdiocese of San Antonio has many things to be thankful for, but on the Feast of the Assumption, August... Read more