Archive for November 15, 2007


Catholic Charities served 8 million in 2006, as numbers helped rises to one in 10 people living in poverty

The holiday wish list of America’s poorest families is long, as those living below the federal poverty line increasingly sought... Read more


Pope Benedict's next encyclical arrives before Christmas, reports Italian press

The Italian newspaper La Repubblica revealed today that Pope Benedict XVI has finalized his second encyclical on the subject of... Read more


Orthodox recognize Pope first among equals, disagreements remain

A joint commission of Orthodox and Catholic theologians has agreed that the Pope has primacy over all bishops, though disagreements... Read more


New attempt to reverse Nicaragua’s pro-life laws fails

On Wednesday Nicaragua’s National Assembly rejected a proposal for the third time to legalize therapeutic abortion again in the country’s... Read more


New study suggests charter schools threaten survival of inner-city Catholic schools

New research indicates that the expansion of charter schools can have a negative impact on the presence of Catholic education... Read more


Eritrea’s record on religious freedom one of the worst

The expulsion of 14 Catholic missionaries from Eritrea two days ago is part of a plan of the Maoist dictatorship... Read more


Archdiocese of Chicago "extraordinarily proud" of Cardinal George's election to presidency

Church leaders in the Archdiocese of Chicago greeted with enthusiasm the election of Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I., as president of... Read more


Researchers find sexual abuse rates in the Catholic Church are the same as society’s

The sexual abuse scandal has hung like a pall over the Catholic Church for the last five years. During their... Read more


Expert denounces “Argentinean Parliament of Religions” as conglomerate of sects

Spanish theologian and member of the Latin American Network of the Study of Sects, Luis Santamaria del Reio, said this... Read more


CELAM leaders express solidarity with Venezuelan bishops attacked by Chavez

The leaders of the Bishops’ Conference of Latin America have sent a letter to the Bishops’ Conference of Venezuela expressing... Read more


Future cardinal asks Iraqi president to guarantee teaching of Christian religion in schools

The director of cultural affairs of the Patriarchate of Babylonia of the Chaldeans and the rector of Babel College, Auxiliary... Read more


Catholic ethics institute sees monkey cloning announcement as a “double-edged sword”

Yesterday, Oregon-based scientist Shoukrat Mitalipov succeeded in cloning monkey embryos and deriving embryonic stem cells from them.  The Westchester Institute,... Read more


Cardinal O’Malley rebukes Democrats on abortion

The U.S. Bishops have issued their strongest condemnation yet of pro-abortion views with their “Faithful Citizenship” document issued yesterday. Cardinal... Read more