Archive for January 19, 2007


Muslims and Christians must reject violence and work together for peace, Pope tells new Turkish ambassador

Greeting the new ambassador of Turkey to the Holy See in the Vatican this morning, Pope Benedict recalled his recent... Read more


Quality of clergy depends on the seriousness of their formation, Pope reminds

The Holy Father today received the superiors and students of the diocesan seminary of Rome, the "Almo Collegio Capranica," on... Read more


Pope calls all Christians to be courageous in preaching the Gospel

This morning in the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI received an ecumenical delegation from Finland, reminding them that Christians must be... Read more


Church in Bolivia worried, but remaining optimistic about Morales government

Fr. Freddy del Villar, Vicar General of the Coroicu Diocese in Bolivia, said that while the Church there remains vigilant... Read more


Georgetown University draws pro-life stars to Cardinal O’Connor event

More than 500 high school and college students from around the country are expected to attend Georgetown University’s eighth annual... Read more


Catholic League calls for investigation into child rape film

Catholic League president Bill Donohue is requesting a federal investigation into the making of the soon-to-be-screened movie that features a... Read more


Anglican primate calls for end to Catholic monarch ban

The new Anglican Primate of All Ireland has called for an end to the ban on Catholics becoming the British... Read more


Italian priests join police in fight against satanic crime

Roman Catholic priests will work with Italian police to tackle a rising tide of crimes linked to satanic worship.  Read more


Spanish bishop to evaluate results of aid sent to Church in Cuba

The director of Caritas Spain, Bishop Alfonso Milian of Barbastro-Monzon, announced he would attend the General Assembly of Caritas Cuba,... Read more


Bishops of Colombia oppose military action to free hostages

The president of the Bishops’ Conference of Colombia, Archbishop Luis Augusto Castro, said this week the Colombian bishops oppose the... Read more


Ecuador awaits canonization of 19th century blessed

Officials of the Archdiocese of Guayaquil announced that in April Pope Benedict XVI could approve the Decree of Canonization of... Read more