Archive for January 18, 2007


Vatican meeting on China is a go

Fr. Federico Lombardi S.J., Director of the Holy See Press Office, confirmed this morning that a rumored Vatican meeting on... Read more


Report reveals persecution of Christians in Burma by military regime

On January 23rd a report entitled, “Carrying the Cross: The military regime’s campaign of restriction, discrimination and persecution against Christians... Read more


Religious persecution growing worldwide, watchdogs say

Religious rights group have underlined that religious persecution is on the rise worldwide and especially in Islamic countries. On Religious... Read more


Vatican reaches out to travelers, plans for mobile chapels on European highways

The Catholic Church intends to reach out to those who make their living by traveling the roads and highways and... Read more


Indian Catholic denied marriage on conversion allegations

Local officials had refused, on four separate occasions, to register the marriage of a Catholic day laborer and a tribal... Read more


School allows girl to wear ‘hidden’ crucifix

Administrators at Robert Napier School, who told a 13-year-old student last week she could not wear her necklace and crucifix... Read more


Messori: Married priests no remedy for “vocations crisis”

The renowned Italian journalist Vittorio Messori published an article recently in which he blasted one of the most popular myths... Read more


Ex-Vatican spokesman takes post at university outside Rome

The former Director of the Holy See’s Press Office, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, has taken a post at the Biomedical University, located... Read more


Benedict XVI invites Panamanians to remain faithful to the love of Christ

On the occasion of the recent consecration of Panama to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pope Benedict XVI encouraged the... Read more