Over 300,000 people attended mass celebrated by Pope Benedict at Islinger Field in Regensburg, Germany on a cloudless Tuesday morning. “He... Read more
The Archbishop of Halifax has urged the faithful of his diocese to contact their members of Parliament and to ask... Read more
The Catholic Diocese of Lucknow closed its 20 schools Sept. 11 to protest vandalism by a militant Hindu mob the... Read more
The debate to include Christianity in a new treaty text for the European Union may by spurred by the creation... Read more
During his visit to Bavaria Pope Benedict XVI will be giving a conference at the University of Regensburg (Ratisbona), where... Read more
At the conclusion of his fourth day in Bavaria, Pope Benedict XVI prayed with members of Germany’s Orthodox and Protestant... Read more
Catholics in Cuba particpated in some 69 different processions throughout the country in honor of Our Lady of Charity, declared... Read more
Given a recent poll that shows a drop in the number of people who view the Republican Party as friendly... Read more
As part of the preparations for its 5th General Conference in 2007, the Latin American Bishops’ Council (CELAM) is meeting... Read more
The former Professor Joseph Ratzinger returned to his old university today to hold a conference on the relation of faith... Read more