Archive for August 31, 2006


Pope visits Veronica’s Veil, tells crowd to search for the face of Christ in their lives

Pope Benedict XVI made a private visit, today, to the popularly venerated Veil of Veronica.  Veronica’s Veil is, according to... Read more


Vatican says farewell to Christmas pop concert

The traditional Vatican Christmas Concert performed every year at the  Paul VI Auditorium, will be transferred to a location in... Read more


New Vatican Secretary of State took job after seeing John Paul II in dream

It took a dream of Pope John Paul II to convince Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone to accept Pope Benedict’s invitation to... Read more


New York establishes Shepherd Program for ‘credibly accused’ priests

The Archdiocese of New York has set up a new program for priests that have been credibly accused of sexually... Read more


Cardinal says Muslims in West must defend Christians’ rights in Islamic countries

Muslims living in the West must speak out in defense of Christians’ rights to religious freedom in Islamic countries so... Read more


Labor Day message urges Catholics to consider immigration debate

Labor Day invites Catholics to celebrate the value of work, but it also challenges the faithful to consider how the... Read more


“Mission Possible” on Italian highways

Young Italians of the group Sentinelle del Mattino (Sentinels of the Morning) have launched a unique project they are calling... Read more


Marian Day of the Family to provide follow-up for Pope’s Valencia meeting

In order to confirm the commitments made to the family and human life during the World Meeting of Families last... Read more


Priest recruits native Colombians to help reach out to the poor

A priest in Colombia has organized a group of native Colombians in Cali to help make comforters out of donated... Read more


Federal attorney admits Health Minister lied about abortion statistics in Argentina

A federal attorney in Argentina admitted this week that the country’s Health Minster, Gines Gonzalez Garcia, released falsified statistics related... Read more