Archive for June 14, 2006


US bishops urge Congress to grant illegal immigrants ‘path to citizenship’

The Catholic bishops of the United States urged the U.S. Congress Wednesday to resolve differences on immigration reform and to... Read more


Bishops in Eritrea demand that clergy be exempt from military service

Bishops in Eritrea are responding to their government’s call for priests and seminarians to serve in the army amid continued... Read more


Church leaders urge the return of religious assemblies in public schools

Christian leaders in Britain have urged the country’s new education secretary, Alan Johnson, to restore daily acts of worship in... Read more


Vandals strike 80-year-old church

An 80-year-old Catholic church in the Diocese of Santa Rosa was struck by vandalism over four days, causing $50,000 worth... Read more


Holy See issues plea for peace in the Holy Land

Joaquin Navarro-Valls, Director of the Press Office of the Holy See released a statement yesterday calling for an end to... Read more


Opposition to war incompatible with support for abortion, says Spanish cardinal

The vice president of the Bishops’ Conference of Spain, Cardinal Antonio Cañizares of Toledo, said this week opposition to war... Read more


Episcopal Church faces division over homosexual issues

The U.S. Episcopal Bishops continue to deal with internal disagreement and face the possibility of a total division of their... Read more


The Eucharist is the central event in the history of the world and of every person, the Pope says

Celebrating Mass today, on the Feast of the Body of Christ in the Eucharist, the Holy Father told the faithful... Read more