Archive for April 30, 2006


China ignores Vatican, consecrates new bishop for state-controlled church

The state-controlled Catholic church in China has ignored urging from the Vatican and gone ahead with the consecration of a... Read more


Catholic college group helping to battle priestly shortage

A national campus ministry group is inspiring a growing number of young men to enter the seminary. The Fellowship of... Read more


Family of Terri Schiavo alarmed by judge’s participation on pro-euthanasia panel

One year after the death of Terri Schiavo, the judge who ordered her feeding tube removed spoke at a right-to-die... Read more


Pakistan screens first-ever Catholic film; plans made to realize Catholic TV, radio

Pakistan screened its first-ever Catholic film this week. It “is a historical moment, not only for the Archdiocese of Karachi... Read more


Catholic leaders worried national immigrant walkout could do more harm than good

Colorado’s three Catholic bishops have expressed concern over a massive nationwide walkout planned to demonstrate the impact that immigrants have... Read more


During May, Pope Benedict prays for peace, justice, defense of human life

The Vatican has announced Pope Benedict XVI’s prayer intentions for the month of May. Both his prayer and mission intentions... Read more


Spanish Health Ministry points to ‘abandonment by men’ as main cause of abortions

A report by the Spanish Ministry of Health is expected to affirm that abandonment by men, not social or economic... Read more


Spanish bishop: materialism, obsession with money provoking family crisis

During the celebration of the Week of the Family in the dioceses of the Spanish province of Tarraconense, Bishop Agusti... Read more


Cardinal Trujillo reaffirms Church’s rejection of adoption by homosexual couples

The president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, has reaffirmed the Church’s rejection off any... Read more


Pope launches month of Mary with visit to Shrine

Conversion to God, who is a God of Love, is necessary today for the world to be “liberated from war... Read more