Archive for April 3, 2006


Church fair towards homosexuals, according to Bishop from Quebec

Bishop Luc Cyr of Valleyfield in Quebec depicted the Church’s behavior towards homosexuals as fair, in reaction to the open... Read more


Key Dead Sea Scroll debut in Cleveland, part of exhibit which seeks to walk visitors through New Testament

The Cradle of Christianity exhibit, which opened at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage in Cleveland April 1, is designed... Read more


Australian government to oppose same-sex unions

Australia’s Prime Minister John Howard has said he will oppose any new laws legalizing same-sex unions.  Read more


Hong Kong diocese to baptize 2,400 catechumens

The Diocese of Hong Kong will baptize an astounding 2,400 catechumens during this year’s Easter vigil, leaving some wondering if... Read more


Parish holds memorial for unknown girl

More than 100 Catholic parishioners in the suburb of Little Village near Chicago gathered Saturday to pray around the grave... Read more


U.S. Bishops urge national Catholic support for federal marriage amendment

Bishop William Skylstad, head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is calling on all bishops across the country to... Read more


Pope Benedict will preside over Vatican’s Holy Week celebrations

The Holy See has released its schedule for the celebration of Holy Week and the Easter Triduum this year in... Read more


Pope Benedict accepts resignation of Cleveland’s Bishop Pilla, elevates Bishop Lennon in place

Today, the Vatican announced that Pope Benedict XVI has accepted the resignation of Cleveland’s Bishop Anthony M. Pilla, who has... Read more


U.S. Presbyterian leader claims ‘religious freedom’ exists in Cuba

During religious services Monday at the first Presbyterian church in Havana, the moderator of the Presbyterian Church USA, Rick Ufford... Read more


Vatican analyst evaluates pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI

One year after the death of John Paul II and the beginning of the pontificate of Benedict XVI, Vatican analyst... Read more


Pope Benedict: John Paul II’s faith was authentic, free from fear and compromise

Yesterday, Pope Benedict XVI gathered with thousands of faithful from around the world in remembering the late John Paul II--a... Read more