Archive for February 15, 2006


Catholic men’s conference slated for March 4

A Catholic conference for men will be held March 4 at in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. “Answer the Call” will... Read more


Opus Dei demands cuts to Da Vinci Code

Stating that it does not intend to organize any boycotts, Opus Dei has once again asked Sony Pictures to consider... Read more


Archdiocese names chancellor responsible for monitoring sex abuse by clergy

Cardinal Francis George has named the chancellor of the Archdiocese of Chicago to oversee future allegations of sexual abuse by... Read more


States taking a stand against abortion

Pro-life politicians are steadily chipping away the effect of Roe v. Wade on state laws, announced Concerned Women of America... Read more


Morning after pill to be distributed at popular Brazilian festival

In addition to the massive distribution of condoms, health officials in the Brazilian state of Bahia announced they would be... Read more


Medellin mayor’s office launches expensive homosexual propaganda campaign

The mayor’s office of Medellin, Colombia, has launched an expensive propaganda campaign to foster greater acceptance of homosexuality in all... Read more


Pakistani bishops condemn attack on church and Christian community

The Justice and Peace Commission of the Pakistani Bishops’ Conference has strongly condemned new attacks on the Christian community in... Read more


Salesians celebrate 100 years of service to young people in China

The Salesian congregation, founded by St. John Bosco, is celebrating 100 years of service to the young people of China. Read more


Pope meets with Lebanese Prime Minister, encourages care for Middle East Christians, peaceful demonstrations against Muslim cartoons

Earlier today, Pope Benedict XVI met with Lebanon’s Prime Minister, Fouad Siniora, to whom he stressed the need for peace... Read more


Vatican Radio turns 75, Pope praises its service to the Gospel

The Vatican announced today plans for an upcoming press conference which will mark 75 years of Vatican Radio and look... Read more


Italian Court allows crucifix in classrooms , described as “symbol of values which underlie our constitution, our way of living"

Italy's highest administrative court ruled on Wednesday that crucifixes should remain in the country's classrooms as a symbol of key... Read more