Archive for October 22, 2006


Congressional committee proposes law to outlaw “therapeutic” abortion in Nicaragua

The Committee on Justice of the Nicaraguan Congress has approved a bill that would reform the country’s Penal Code and... Read more


Laity should bring about cultural change through Christian witness, says Italian cardinal

Cardinal Camillo Ruini, president of the Italian Bishops’ Conference and Vicar of the Diocese of Rome, said last week that... Read more


Chilean high court agrees to investigate abortifacient effect of morning-after pill

After weeks of delay, the Constitutional Court of Chile has agreed to open an investigation into the abortifacient nature of... Read more


Pope Benedict recalls John Paul II as "Philosopher, Theologian and great Shepherd of the Church"

Pope Benedict XVI received this morning the members of the John Paul II Foundation and encouraged them to keep alive... Read more


Christian missions must be flow from the love of Christ, Pope says

Prior to praying the Angelus with thousands of pilgrims and faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, Pope Benedict... Read more


Pope offers Ramadan message, prays for peace in Iraq

At the conclusion of the Angelus prayer this Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI offered a greeting to the world’s Muslims, at... Read more


Archbishop Burke calls for prayers to prior to vote on cloning

Archbishop Raymond Burke of St. Louis has called on all of the faithful in his diocese to pray the rosary... Read more


Bishops to vote on guidelines for helping Catholics prepare to receive Communion

A new document, drafted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, will likely raise the issue once again about whether... Read more


Bishop questions motives of watchdog group

Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, Wisconsin is questioning the motives of a watchdog group who asked the state Elections Board... Read more


Thousands in Boston pray for vocations, healing before saint’s relic

The incorrupt heart of the patron saint of priests, St. John Vianney, was in Boston last week. Organizers said they... Read more


The Pope to Pontifical Universities: the truth comes through revelation, not from consensus

Following a Mass celebrated to mark the beginning of the Roman academic year, Pope Benedict XVI offered a few words... Read more