Archive for October 2, 2006


Vatican reminds the U.N. “reproductive health” does not mean worldwide abortion

During an address given to the General Assembly yesterday in New York, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Permanent Observer of the Holy... Read more


Relations between Russian Church, Vatican have potential, says Alexy II

A positive step was made this week in relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church during... Read more


Cardinal Zen tells of continued Christian persecution in China

Catholics in China, whether they are members of the underground Church, affiliated with the Vatican, or of the official government-sanctioned... Read more


Book reveals more details of 1981 assassination attempt on Pope

A new book, due to be published next year, provides greater detail of the 1981 assassination attempt on the late... Read more


US bishops’ launches campaign for partial-birth abortion ban

As the U.S. Supreme Court opened and prepare to tackle the two challenges to the federal Partial Birth Abortion Ban... Read more


German cardinal slams media double standard regarding Christianity and Islam

Cardinal Karl Lehman, president of the German Bishops’ Conference, criticized the media this week for its double standard regarding Christianity... Read more


Pro-life victory in Brazil as abortion rights candidate loses bid for Senate

Pro-life groups in Brazil are celebrating the results of the country’s general elections in which abortion rights candidate, Jandira Feghali,... Read more


Cardinal Bertone praises Marian devotion of Latin America

In a message sent to the participants of the Latin American Meeting on Marian Pastoral Ministry, which concluded this past... Read more


Bishop explains urgency of teaching young people to pray the Rosary

As October, the month of the Rosary, begins, Bishop Ramon del Hoyo Lopez of Jaen has called for a greater... Read more


Turkish plane reportedly hijacked in protest of Papal trip to Turkey

Two men have hijacked a Turkish Airlines plane, supposedly in protest of Pope Benedict XVI’s trip to Turkey next month. ... Read more


Vatican to unveil grand exhibit about Saint Peter’s Basilica

"Petros Eni" (Peter is here), the ancient inscription found next to the remains of Saint Peter the Apostle is the... Read more


Turkish officials say plane hijacker was seeking help from the Pope

New light has been shed on the hijacking of a Turkish Airlines plane which was overtaken Tuesday.  Reports have now... Read more