Archive for September 25, 2005


Response to God's Eucharistic love must be concrete, aimed at God, and others, says Pope

In his last Sunday angelus prayer at the papal Castelgandolfo summer residence before his return to the Vatican later this... Read more


Vatican publishes list of special experts and auditors for next Synod

The Vatican published this week-end the full list of the special auditors invited as  "audiutores Secretarii specialis" (or experts) and... Read more


Vatican releases Pope's fall schedule, upcoming beatifications

On Saturday, the Vatican released a summary of the busy winter schedule awaiting Pope Benedict. Several groundbreaking events, including the... Read more


Pope offers prayers for battered Gulf Coast, encourages generosity for the suffering

Following yesterday's Angelus prayer, Pope Benedict XVI offered his prayers for victims in the battered U.S. Gulf Coast who had... Read more


Religious groups warn senators against religious litmus test for future court nominees

Two faith-based advocacy groups are calling on the Senate to use its upcoming floor vote on Judge John Roberts' nomination... Read more


European, US bishops meet to foster partnership

At the first meeting of its kind, European and United States bishops gathered to discuss the world’s major problems and... Read more


Polls indicate majority of Americans are pro-life

A series of recent polls over the last two years indicates that a majority of United States residents identify themselves... Read more


PA Intelligent Design trial starts today

11 local parents are taking the tiny Dover, Pennsylvania school district to federal court today, arguing that Intelligent Design should... Read more


Young Katrina survivors find comfort in Catholic schools

Young Catholics displaced from their homes in New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina have found a sense of comfort and normalcy... Read more


Woman running for president in Chile does not share Church’s values, priest warns

A well-known Chilean priest warned last week that presidential candidate Michelle Bachelet, the frontrunner in the country’s upcoming election, “does not... Read more


1,500 children preparing for First Communion attend Eucharistic Congress in Peru

The Archdiocese of Cuzco, Peru, organized the First Children’s Congress on the Eucharist on September 25, bringing together more than... Read more


Argentine bishop recalls importance of Sunday Mass

During a Mass commemorating the diocese’s feast day, Bishop Luis Stöckler of Quilmes, Argentina, said participation in Sunday Mass is... Read more


20,000 Chileans to participate in vigil on eve of beloved priest’s canonization

More than 20,000 people are expected to participate in a vigil on October 22, the eve of the canonization of... Read more


Pope meets with dissident theologian Hans Kueng

Pope Benedict has met dissident liberal theologian Hans Kueng in the latest move by the new pontiff to repair ties... Read more