Archive for July 28, 2005


Vatican rejects Israeli complaints, says Israel is not always innocent in responses to terrorism

Yesterday afternoon, the Vatican released a stern statement defending the Pope’s words and rejecting an Israeli complaint that he failed... Read more


Pope’s new book to be finished this summer

According to Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls, Pope Benedict’s new book could be finished before the end of... Read more


Bishop says U.S. immigration system ‘morally unacceptable’

The current U.S. immigration system is “morally unacceptable,” said Bishop Gerald Barnes of San Bernardino. Read more


Catholic leader objects to Roe litmus test for Judge Roberts

A Democratic senator said yesterday he would subject Supreme Court nominee Judge John Roberts to a Roe litmus test. On... Read more


Archbishop of Denver proactive in dealing with claims of sex abuse

The Archdiocese of Denver is being proactive in dealing with cases of sexual abuse by clergy. Read more


New bishop in China receives approval by Rome, Beijing

Chinese government representatives joined 2,000 Catholics and 100 priests for the episcopal ordination of Bishop Anthony Dang Mingyan July 26... Read more


Pro-life college students walking across country head down home stretch

Three groups of over 40 college students are walking their way across the United States sharing their unmistakable message--all human... Read more


New pro-life ministry started at Mexico’s Guadalupe Basilica

The ministry coordinator of the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City, Msgr. Pedro Agustin Rivera Diaz, announced this week that... Read more


Tourist visits to Holy Land up significantly since 2004

According to data released by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, more than one million people have visited the Holy Land... Read more


Mexican cardinal says Marian devotion key to addressing problems in the Church and the world

In remarks opening the Guadalupan Congress at the parish of Santa Maria of Guadalupe in Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera... Read more


Bishop warns against confusion from New Age among Catholics in Argentina

Bishop Juan Carlos Maccarone of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, warned the faithful this week against religious syncretism, which mixes “truth... Read more