Archive for March 6, 2005


Vatican expects Pope to return for Holy Week

Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls told journalists today that the Vatican expects the Pope to be back from... Read more


Gonzaga University President denies anti-life accusations

Gonzaga University President, Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J. has categorically denied charges brought by Dr. Mike Adams, a professor at the... Read more


John Paul II receiving flood of e-mails from around world

The Vatican has announced that e-mail’s for Pope John Paul II have been pouring in from around the world ever... Read more


Pope spiritually joins university students gathered in Rome

Thousands of university students gathered in Rome Friday evening to participate a Marian prayer vigil, marking the conclusion of this... Read more


Canadian Liberals endorse same-sex marriage, hostile to opposing views

The Liberal Party of Canada endorsed same-sex marriage at its policy convention this weekend.  Read more


Member of dissenter group denied Communion, takes own host

A member of the group Call to Action turned the Body of Christ into a political statement last month by... Read more


Denver Universities host pro-life photo exhibit

In a collaboration of the Christian Life Movement, an international religious community, and the Auraria Catholic Campus Club, a student-based... Read more


EWTN Web site teaches the faith to kids

EWTNKids has taken off in a new way. Launched two years ago, Catholic schools across the U.S. have begun using... Read more


Christian Iranians granted asylum in U.S.

An Iranian family's five-year fight to stay in the United States ended March 2 when they were finally granted political... Read more


Rome HLI director expresses solidarity with pro-life efforts in Argentina

The director of Human Life International’s Rome office, Father Ignacio Barreiro, has sent a letter to Bishop Antonio Baseotto of... Read more


China Aid Association reports Christian leaders deported; tortured

On Wednesday, the China Aid Association (CAA) announced numerous reports of Christians being deported from China and one church pastor... Read more


Peruvian bishops call on faithful to defend the unborn

The Committee on the Family of the Bishops Conference of Peru has published a message commemorating the Day of the... Read more