Archive for March 28, 2005


Pope to have mountain named for him

Pope John Paul II will have a mountain in central Italy named for him on his 85th birthday, May 18,... Read more


Catholic League connects ideology supporting Terri's death with Nazism

While Terri Schiavo struggles in her last days of life in a Florida hospice, some commentators in the press have... Read more


Fargo Bishop says Jesus' words 'I thirst' echo struggle to save Terri Schiavo

As the Christian world focused its attention on the passion and crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday, Bishop Samuel Aquila... Read more


3000 expected for Life Teen anniversary

On Memorial Day weekend this year, nearly 3000 teens and supporters will gather in Anaheim, California to celebrate the twentieth... Read more


Catholic teachers honored in Chicago with cash award

The staff of a Catholic grade school were recognized for excellence in teaching with the 2005 Cardinal’s Award for Teacher... Read more


British cardinal links abortion with Nazi eugenics

Britain’s top Catholic cleric has said the country’s policy on abortion is similar to Nazi Germany's eugenics experiments and killings,... Read more


Vatican observer reveals growth of “invisible Christians” in Holy Land

In an article published Tuesday, Vatican observer Sandro Magister points out a relatively unknown but very important phenomenon for the... Read more


Quebec students stage mock crucifixion on Good Friday

Some Quebec university students staged a mock crucifixion on Good Friday to protest the government's decision to cut $103 million... Read more


Archbishop calls on Costa Ricans to abandon “cafeteria Christianity” and defend life

Archbishop Hugo Barrantes Urena of San Jose, Costa Rica, told Costa Ricans in his Easter message to embrace the faith... Read more


Spanish bishops to launch new pro-life campaign

Coinciding with the tenth anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Evangelium Vitae on April 4, the Bishops Conference of... Read more