Archive for November 24, 2005


Pope’s challenge of true Catholic university: quality research and teaching, faithfulness to Magesterium

Pope Benedict, earlier today visited Rome’s Sacred Heart Catholic University, where he described and challenged faculty and students with his... Read more


Catholic Charities appeals for funds as heating costs rise

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Boston has stepped up its private appeals and announced a fundraising campaign to help... Read more


Catholics warn Anglicans of ‘irreparable damage’ if allow women bishops

The Catholic bishops have warned the Church of England against its continued plans to allow women bishops, saying it would... Read more


Catholic church hosts interfaith Thanksgiving service

Buddhists, Baptists, Jews and Unitarians joined Catholics at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Daytona Beach Monday at the... Read more


Diocese asked to look into alleged Sacramento miracle

A statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary which seems to be crying tears of blood outside a Vietnamese Catholic Church... Read more


Missouri Bishops take campaign against stem cell research to the pulpit

Missouri Roman Catholics who attend Mass Sunday can expect to hear a homily against embryonic stem cell research and a... Read more