Archive for May 12, 2004


Holy See says avoid buying brands produced through child labor

A spokesman for the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace is calling on believers to avoid buying products that are... Read more


Woman who risked her life instead of aborting 40 years ago dies at 82

Jacobina Surian Adams was two months pregnant when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1962. Doctors advised her that... Read more


Mother challenges system after girl, 14, has abortion without parental consent

A mother, whose 14-year-old daughter was allowed to have an abortion without her knowledge or consent, has launched an attack... Read more


Australian Treasury Minister says families need to have more children for the good of the country

Although many governments throughout the world insist that progress requires the reduction of world population, a government official in Australia... Read more


Cuban Church shows ‘positive tendencies,’ bishop says

Despite the difficult political and economic situation in Cuba, the Catholic Church in the Caribbean country shows “quite positive tendencies,”... Read more


Mexican Archbishop: The Church cannot cease to announce the Gospel

As elections approach in Mexico, the Archbishop of  Durango, Hector Gonzalez Martinez, said this week, “Although some think she should... Read more