Archive for March 18, 2004


Jim Caviezel talks with CNA about faith after "The Passion of the Christ"

Jim Caviezel, the actor who played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ”, spoke with the Catholic News... Read more


Cardinal Keeler urges passage of Unborn Victims of Violence Act

Cardinal William Keeler has urged the Senate to pass a bill that would recognize unborn children as second victims when... Read more


Priest warns religious of dependence on the Internet

An article in the last issue of the bimonthly “Consecrated Life” warns of the dependence some men or women religious... Read more


3-11: “I offer my heartfelt forgiveness to the terrorists and I pray God touches their hearts”

In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Spain on 3/11, which left more than 200 dead 1,500 wounded, dozens... Read more


Colombian Archbishop: “We forgive those responsible for the assassination”

During a solemn Mass celebrated in St. Peter’s Cathedral, Archbishop Juan Francisco Sarasti of Cali, Colombia, said the Church has... Read more


Chilean Bishops regret legalization of divorce

The Executive Committee of the Chilean Bishops Conference has issued a statement rejecting the legalization of divorce and reaffirming the... Read more


Cardinal Rouco says hope should not be lost because of those “who live to kill”

In a Mass celebrated at a packed Cathedral de la Almudena, which was attended by Queen Sofía of Spain, Cardinal... Read more