Archive for November 18, 2004


Society absent of God self-destructs, says Ratzinger, points to current political, legal and sexual culture

In an interview published in Italian newspaper "La Reppublica" today, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine... Read more


Seminary in Detroit wants to attract Catholics interested in New Evangelization

Cardinal Adam Maida announced, during the meeting of the US Catholic bishops in Washington D.C, the opening of the Licentiate... Read more


States with highest number of Catholics voted for Kerry

The nine states with the highest percentage of Catholics voted for Senator John Kerry, says data from the newly issued... Read more


ALL: Bishops’ task force needs to remind abortion and Catholicism are opposed

The U.S. bishops need to face “the real problem” that one cannot be Catholic and pro-abortion, said Judie Brown, president... Read more


President expected to approve funding for restoration of 21 Spanish missions

A bill passed by the House of Representatives authorizing $10 million for the restoration of 21 Spanish missions in California... Read more


Holy See encourages spread of Social Christian thought in Cuba

In a message sent to Bishop Juan Garcia Rodriguez, President of the National Committee for Justice and Peace of the... Read more


Evangelize Asia with faith that penetrates every aspect of life, says Pope

Receiving members of the post-synodal council of the Special Assembly for Asia, held in April and May, 1998, Pope John... Read more


Pope sends telegram of condolence on the death of Cardinal Aramburu

In a telegram sent this morning to Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J., archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the death... Read more


Catholic pro-abortion politician rejects request to step down as cantor

Developments at a Boston parish over whether a lifelong parishioner and pro-abortion politician should continue leading the congregation in song... Read more


New Zealand jury acquits man who admitted to killing brain-damaged baby daughter

A jury in the Nelson Court of Richmond New Zealand has given a not guilty verdict to a man who... Read more


Church calls for respect for culture of Argentineans in controversial sex-ed program

The Vicar of Education for the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Father Juan Alberto Torrella, took part in a meeting at... Read more


Professionals opposing homosexual adoption send letter to Spanish president

The association Professionals for Ethics will send a letter on Saturday to Spanish President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero signed by... Read more


Proposed legislation threatens defense of life in Venezuela

The Venezuelan organization Volunteers for Life is launching a major effort to challenge two proposed laws that promote the decriminalization... Read more