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Pope to Madagascar Eucharistic Congress pilgrims: Be missionaries of God’s love to others

The third National Eucharistic Congress in Madagascar is underway Aug. 23-26. Pope Francis sent a message, saying that "each person should be a missionary of God’s love to others."/ Credit: EWTN

In a message for pilgrims participating in the third National Eucharistic Congress in Madagascar from Aug. 23–26, Pope Francis said each person should be a missionary of God’s love to others.

“Once you’ve met Christ in adoration, once you’ve touched him and received him in the Eucharistic celebration, you can no longer keep him to yourself but become a missionary of his love to others,” the pope shared in a message released on Aug. 23. The message was read by the apostolic nuncio of Madagascar, Archbishop Tomasz Grysa.

According to ACI Africa, CNA’s news partner in Africa, an estimated 40,000 pilgrims are anticipated to be taking place in this year’s four-day Eucharistic Congress organized by the Archdiocese of Antsiranana, Madagascar. Credit: EWTN

According to ACI Africa, CNA’s news partner in Africa, an estimated 40,000 pilgrims are anticipated to take part in this year’s four-day congress organized by the Archdiocese of Antsiranana.

Pope Francis praised the archdiocesan initiative aimed at helping Catholic communities in the southeastern African country to “get back to basics” by deepening their understanding of the Eucharist as the foundation of their Christian life.

“I encourage this initiative, which aims to bring the sons and daughters of your Christian communities back to basics, helping them to rediscover the meaning of Eucharistic adoration and the taste for spending time with Christ,” the Holy Father said.

During a time when faith in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is a “great challenge,” the pope particularly called upon members of the Mouvement Eucharistique des Jeunes (Eucharistic Youth Movement), who are celebrating their centenary this year, to draw their friends closer to Jesus Christ.

“Help your brothers and sisters experience Jesus in the Eucharist. Help them, too, to make their own lives an offering to God, united to that of Jesus on the altar, so as to make him ever better known, loved, and served,” the 87-year-old pontiff urged.

According to ACI Africa, CNA’s news partner in Africa, an estimated 40,000 pilgrims are anticipated to be taking place in this year’s four-day Eucharistic Congress organized by the Archdiocese of Antsiranana, Madagascar. Credit: EWTN

The pope also stressed the need for Madagascar’s National Eucharistic Congress pilgrims to be witnesses of hope and joy in a world in which skepticism and pessimism are widespread.

“May this Eucharistic congress help each and every one of you to cultivate feelings of charity and solidarity toward all, and especially toward those in trial, for whom the path of life becomes more difficult every day,” he said. “Bring them the Lord’s hope, be witnesses to his compassion and merciful love.”

At the conclusion of his message, Pope Francis invoked the protection and blessing of Our Lady for all pilgrims and asked them to continue to pray for him.

“Wishing you a fruitful congress, I entrust each of you to the maternal protection of the Virgin Mary. May she intercede for you so that you may deepen your relationship with Christ every day.”

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