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Pope Francis: ‘Miracle of the Snow’ reminds us of Mary and the wonder of grace

Pope Francis celebrates second vespers on the feast of Our Lady of the Snows at the Basilica of St. Mary Major on Aug. 5, 2024./ Credit: Vatican Media

In his homily during second vespers on the solemnity of Our Lady of the Snows at the Basilica of St. Mary Major on Monday evening, Pope Francis meditated upon the significance of grace in the life of the Mother of God and in the life of every Catholic.

“I suggest, then, that we allow ourselves to be guided by a verse from the book of Sirach, which says the following about the snow that God causes to fall from the sky: ‘The eye marvels at the beauty of its whiteness, and the mind is amazed at its falling’ (Sir 43:18),” the Holy Father said in his vespers homily for the solemnity.

“Just like a midsummer snowfall in Rome. Indeed, grace arouses marvel and amazement. Let us not forget these two words. We cannot lose the ability to marvel and the ability to be amazed, as they are part of our experience of faith,” he added.

Pope Francis celebrates second vespers on the feast of Our Lady of the Snows at the Basilica of St. Mary Major on Aug. 5, 2024. Credit: Vatican Media

Every year, Romans celebrate the solemnity dedicated to the Virgin Mary with a shower of white rose petals that fall from the ceiling of the Basilica of St. Mary Major to represent the miraculous midsummer snowfall that occurred almost 1,700 years ago. 

In his contemplation of the gem of the basilica — the ancient icon of Salus Populi Romani (Our Lady Savior of the People) — the pope said the miracle of the snow is symbolic of Mary, who is the only woman created who is full of grace, conceived without original sin, and immaculate.    

“Here, grace fully acquires its Christian form in the image of the Virgin Mother with Child, the holy Mother of God. Grace appears in its concreteness, stripped of every mythological, magical, and spiritualistic vesture always lurking in religion,” he said at vespers. 

The pope said grace is essential in the faith journey of every believer and a gift that cannot be bought but only received, and conveyed his hope that Christians not lose a sense of wonder to the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

“Indeed, grace arouses marvel and amazement. Let us not forget these two words. We cannot lose the ability to marvel and the ability to be amazed, as they are part of our experience of faith,” the Holy Father reflected.

Pope Francis celebrates second vespers on the feast of Our Lady of the Snows at the Basilica of St. Mary Major on Aug. 5, 2024. Credit: Vatican Media

Before concluding his homily with praises and prayers of invocation to the Mother of God, Pope Francis asked the Catholic faithful — especially those planning to visit St. Mary Major in the 2025 Jubilee Year — to ask for blessings, forgiveness, and the peace of Jesus Christ for the whole world.   

“That peace which is true and lasting only when it flows from repentant and forgiven hearts,” he said. “Forgiveness brings about peace because to forgive is the noble approach of the Lord; that peace which comes from the cross of Christ, and from his blood that he took from Mary and shed for the remission of sins.”

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