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Pope Francis acknowledges conference for ‘LGBT Catholics’

Georgetown University./ Credit: Sharkshock/Shutterstock

Pope Francis this week said he is “united in prayer” with those participating in a conference for Catholics who identify as LGBT taking place this weekend in Washington, D.C.

Father James Martin, a controversial Jesuit priest who founded the pro-LGBT group Outreach in 2022, reportedly asked Pope Francis if he would like to send a greeting to the group’s 2024 gathering, taking place Aug. 2–4 at Georgetown University. Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington is scheduled to celebrate Mass on Saturday at the event. 

According to Vatican News, Pope Francis sent a brief response saying he was pleased by the fact that Gregory will be celebrating Mass for the 350 expected attendees at the conference. 

The pope further said he is “united in prayer” with those participating in the conference and prayed that “Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin care for you.”

Pope Francis has on several occasions received Martin in private audiences at the Vatican and has expressed support for Martin’s ministry to those identifying as LGBT, urging him to “continue this way.” Critics have over the years accused Martin of rejecting Catholic teaching on the sinfulness of homosexual acts, but he has insisted that he does not reject the teaching of the Church.

The 2024 Outreach conference was organized for “LGBTQ laypeople, clergy, scholars, artists, educators, students, and family members to build community, share best practices, and worship together,” its website says. 

The gathering has among its sponsors America Media, Creighton University, and the dissenting Catholic group DignityUSA, which has in recent years hosted “blessing” events marking LGBT Pride Month. 

The conference is scheduled to include panels on “LGBTQ Ministry in Parishes,” “Parenting LGTBQ Children,” and “Race, Intersectionality, and LGBTQ People” as well as a panel titled “Gifts of a Life of Chastity.”

The conference will also include a talk by a Catholic who identifies as transgender, Maxwell Kuzma, who has indicated an intention to “[celebrate] queer theology and trans joy” at the conference.

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